I was wondering if anyone could help, I have condensed my problem down into like just the smallest reproduction of the issue, if this works it will be so epic i will finally never loose those blasted sprites.
System.Create(Sprite, 2, xLocation, yLocation) #so we create a first sprite
RefToFirstSprite = SOL.Sprite #we want to save some ref to it, this however saves a link to Sol.Sprite not the target of it which i want
System.Create(Sprite, 2, xLocation, yLocation) #in creating this next sprite whatever sol points to somehow is updated
RefToFirstSprite.Destroy() #and this ends up therefore killing the new target of sol, not the first sprite i wanted to get rid of
I have racked my brains on this for seems like hours now, I feel at least satisfied I think I have identified my problem quite well, would be really greatfull if anyone could shed any light on what's happening here... i sort of have this impression I'm missing something fundamental