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  • oh It's just my inattention. There is option in Target version list that I didn't noticed...

    Thanks, Tetriser

  • Hi all,

    I have a personal liscence of Construct 2 and can't export my project as windows 10 universal app, because I haven't such an option in export dialog. Running on r211.

    Here's how my export project dialog looks like (link to screenshoot).

    I was sure there must be a separate option for that, mabe I'm wrong.

    Sorry if I posted it in the wrong board.

  • Thank you!

  • While I was working on my game I found interesting service that can generate direct links to share in facebook, twitter and google+

    Last one is for facebook only but there you can add custom image and description

    I think it can be useful if you want to create custom share/status buttons. Basically you just create an action for browser object: "go to url" and add generated link.

  • The game is also on now:

    Also I've added social buttons to it.

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  • I made a big update to the game. Added game timer, highscores and bonuses. Now it's looks like finished project.

  • Thanks Oil on the floor sounds cool but I also would like to make some additional obstacles to him. I was thinking about throwing sneakers and pans...

    I used 320x480 window size

  • Hi all!

    Here's my new game: "Cat vs Granny"

    The game is about feeding cat. And escaping from granny. Mmm... yes that's pretty much all that you doing in the game

    Find two or more cakes of one color and tap to eat them.

    When granny is near you'll see big letters "RUN!" near you. tap them to escape.

    It's a bit unpolished and some features are not implemented yet but I still want to show the game to the comunity to hear some feedback.

    The gameplay is not very complicated. I wanted to make something light and simple. Hope you'll like it.


    On some strange reason my game is still named as "New Project" though I updated the name. Hm.

    Hope it'll not prevent you from playing

    Best regards to all!

  • Thank you guys! Good to know that gameplay is simple: I really tried to make it as intuitive as possible


    Glad you like that sound =)

    btw there are 4 different sounds playing for 3,4,5 and 6+ sets ;)

  • Hello everyone

    Please take a look at my first game at Construct 2. It's called Marbles

    In general, this is match 3 game but it has some unusual features.


    About the game:

    You need to move colored marbles around the screen and make sets of three or more marbles. There is no grid and you can move anywhere on the screen. You just need marbles to be close enough to each other to make a match. You can make 2 "blank moves" without creating a set but if you make too many blank moves, all marbles are rearranged and you loose one life.

    The goal is to earn as many points as possible before time runs out

    How to play:

    Left click on marble and drag the mouse on desired position on the screen. Then release mouse button. You only can move marbles if there is no other marbles on their way.

    When circle marker appears around marbles this means that they are close enough to make a set.

    Hope you like it!

    Best regards to all!

  • Nice work mate! The tutorial is not long but very informative. Just what beginners need imo.

  • Talbot made my day!

    Seriosly! I woke up in such a bad mood but this imp made me smile like a baby My wife watched me playing and laughed)) Finally she gave me the boot and now she's occupied my laptop and playing "Talbot" hehe... That's very unusual because she never plays any games except solitaire. And that tells me once again that you guys made a really Good game!

    Ok. What I liked most:

    1st is graphics and music: really strikes! I agree with PixelRebirth that "Talbot's Oddyssey" looks and sounds a way better than most of other Construct games. I wish you guys to keep (and mabe even increase) your game's cool atmosphere by the final release.


    I often don't like to read dialogs in games. But yours are really fun and I didn't want to skip them without reading (that happens rarely for me hehe)

    "... is it dangerous?" "no it's a piece of cake!" "aight i'll be looking for a piece of cake then."

    "welcome to Discount Deeps.. We have discounts and they are deep!"

    Hehehe)) Light and funny. And those quotes a really memorable. And such feature is a VERY rear in modern games for sure!

    Ingredient called "Eyes of the Beholder" has also made me smile. I don't know mabe that was not about Westwood's masterpiece but I like such light easter eggs very much so...

    Labyrinth based gameplay

    I think it's pretty fresh concept and it has really good potential.

    One thing that confused me was a way back when I'm done with components for my lord. I know I know there are pointers but still it's very hard to get back safe especially when a gost chasing you and you must be very quick because he can walk through walls. Mabe turning lights on after the quest is complete would be a solution.

    All in all this is really impressive game!

    Now I have to make a copy for my wife to get my comp back and continue playing:) btw she stuck on the third level. She can't get trough traps to harvest a gost and very nervous about that:)

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Member since 27 Jan, 2009

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