nowon's Recent Forum Activity

  • made a little example

    while I was making the cap your thread got 5 answeres lol

    anyway you can find it usefull

    made with 0.99.62

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  • Hmm.. same for me

    <img src="">

    got ATI Radeon Express 1150 on my laptop

    Nice cap though=) It might help me anyways


  • Thank you PixelRebirth! I'm really trying hard making a demo

  • Here's a vid of what I'm working on, the art is no where near final and the game is still in Alpha but I think it's coming along quite well....

    Beautiful art style and very kind game!

    Very unusual usage of physics. And those seeds are really appear as living creatures. Well mabe not creatures but they look like they are alive=)

    I'd play this game definately

  • I keep on working on my project and decided to post some of the new stuff.

    First is one of bonuses that player picks during the game. This one turns your tank into a robot that can ignore obstacles and have powerful rocket launchers hidden in his arms.

    <img src="">

    And this robot is one of the 1st level enemies. I call him Megabomber =)

    <img src="">

    <img src="">

  • Wow!Really nice work there!

    your pixel art is great as always (but "Castle Chaos" is unbeaten yet ) and "very scary" special effects are cool: Those splashes and blood draining from knives (very charismatic animation of a simple bonus by the way)

    Haven't seen any bug while I was playing


    Was Michael Myers a prototype for your Slasher Boy?

  • nowon - Russia

  • I like that mystical rays in the last two screenshots, Eammy! Looking really cool! Making me feel the atmosphere even while looking at static picture..I believe they'll be dynamic? I mean they might be changing direction and saturation at runtime? If it so it's gonna be awsome

  • ...I would like to see the tanks a lot bigger to show off more of the details.

    Yes I'm thinking about it too.. But it takes much time even to make them as they exist now. Another problem is: the cell that one tank occupies at the gamefield is 64x64. It's provided by the game concept. And sometimes it's not easy to make a detailed model keeping... "cartoon charisma" so it was "readable" in such a little cell. As for me I focus on the red tank's LoD

  • Hello everybody!

    I make my first game and i'd like to share some info about it

    It's a tanks arcade with isometric view. About 10 different levels are in plans.

    Here's some artwork and screenshot I made while I was testing explosion sprites.


    Link to .exe file but it's not really a demo.. You may consider

    this as explosions demonstration. But I hope it still can clue you up on the game's atmosphere.

    My first point now is to make a complete graphic set for the 1st level.

    <img src="">

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  • to deadeye

    Thank you very much! I'll try it immediately!

    to PixelRebirth

    This is exactly what I need! I really would like to see the code! Thank you!

  • Hello!

    I�m newbie in game development and in Construct so please don�t laugh at me if my problem is trivial

    I�m creating a simple arcade game with isometric view and there�s number of surface types in my level: water, sand, grass and so on.

    And my trouble is in creating logic of placing tiles of different surfaces

    I applied an image so you could better understand what I mean. I need to create closed areas of different surface types. They must have fine, smooth edges.

    I decided to create a number of tiles that represent sectors of the final area, but I can�t understand how to make the program to recognize them automatically and place the right tile to the right position

    Maybe it would be very useful to use tiled backgrounds but sometimes during the game tiles of landscape must change at a runtime. This is very important for me.

    I will be very grateful for any help!

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