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  • voted for vertical shooters. I dont't think that dual stick controlled ones are less interesting to play. For me it's just a matter of comfort: I've got used to vertical shm'ups

  • many thanks for the link, Aritz! very useful

  • That's nice Lucid ))

    Very funny and smooth animation of ponytails

  • It all depends..

    If your target player has a weak old GPU then 15 mb is what u need. Also there is nothing wrong in getting this limit upper. Speaking for myself: in my project I use about 220-240 mb per layout (of course i'm trying to get this lower optimising the game but still) With that amount of VRAM occupied I haven't any issues when running demos on my laptop (256mb VRAM). Everything works fine and smooth.

    You can also optimise your game and gain some spare VRAM for the new graphics data turning off blur effects / using pixel shader 0.0 / turning on "point'" type of interpolation in your game. Of course if those effects are not a big deal for you.

    read here for more

    Anyway I think only testing the game can tell you whether to increase the VRAM usage limit or leave it as it is.


    this is jaw-dropping...

    I surely was amazed by all of the demos but "evOlution" "mathy spiral" and "IK walker" are the best!

    Was "Canvas" object used for bezier curves or you made them via your own plug-in?

  • nowon Actually no, it has nothing to do with the letters but that's a nice idea I will consider.

    well gameplay looks fun even without "letter-based" jumping

    And I join other guys in the thread looking forward to play it

  • I like it! Cool style and color palette! Creating a new level appears to be simple indeed. I guess the sequence in which player must jump on the cubes depends on the letters? am I right?

  • [quote:kywptf7b]...I don't think game development means you are set to using a high level language, I think people should be allowed to release their game no matter what they used to create them.

    Totally agree with Bustercube.

    Speaking of gamesales further:

    Found some interesting article recently. (Link) Pretty interesting info for independent game developers

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  • I guess major part of game portals provide such model of publishing.

    For example you should check "Big Fish" or "Oberon Media" and their offerings.

    Also you can find useful this link

  • would I be better off cutting up each backdrop into a sequence of power-of-two tiles, say 256x256, and importing them as seperate objects? Or, would I be better exporting the background image as one oversized power-of-two image (in this case, 1296x1296)?

    first is preferable

    besides there's no need in loading your picture slices singly. Just load them as frames of the first slice. that'll simplify your work in editor window.

    PS. Don't forget to set animation speed to 0 though

  • TimeDelta is really a thing you should keep an eye on

    yep my bad sorry

    Indeed TimeDelta is very important to add

  • In your case the program will check if the brick ovrlaps terrain and make it fall down if there is no ground beneath.

    When you leave this condition not inverted the event will move your bricks only if they overlap some ground.

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