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  • I got that,just had no time to test'em

  • Now thank you indeed linkman,at last i really understand how simple it is!

  • Man,that sure sucks.but thanks i know the whole truth.

  • Bingo!and thats not so cosy and if that thing can save time and nerves,it's worth including,right?

  • Because,(maybe that's my personal)it's easier for me to work when all those objects i created are locked not to mess up.

    And those shortcuts would help much.

  • Can you add an "unlock selected" option?and a "lock everything" one?i suppose it can speed some things up,especially when you decided to change something in very last moment.

  • Thanks.i guess it'll work fine now.

  • So people,i'm new here,but all the posts i saw here were so friendly...maybe you'll help a noob get through basic mess? 1) i just don't get how to make levels/rooms/stages,i heard that i must use layers for that,but when i do so,they all mix up,so i finally gave up. 2)i made animations for my sprite,but how can i make them work properly? 3)no matter how hard i try,i can't make OnScreen objects stay On Screen (like health bar,and stuff that i want to stay on screen while moving around. Hope you'll be able to help.

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  • You know guys,in that new version i can't delete objects.may be something's wrong with my copy,because neither my "del" button nor in-menu delete command don't work.

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Member since 26 Jan, 2009

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