NoSoul's Recent Forum Activity

  • yeah ,really nice

  • People,can anyone help me?is it possible to make a droplet(water,blood,oil-doesn't matter)to slip down on The screen REALISTIC way,also leaving a trace behind it?that one is too difficult for me.if anyone can help,please!my brains are ready to explode already...

  • NoSoul - russia

  • Oh man,just don't give up!

  • People are waiting for more...don't let 'em down.

  • Everybody,get in!get in! (Persona 2 eternal punishment)

  • It's ok.maybe i'm just too lazy to do it properly.

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  • Based on the low feedback, I've decided to stop creating the tutorials.

    hey,don't give up!

  • hey, man! keep this good work up! I mean it! know what? you are world - famous now,because I am translating your tutorials to Russian! It's a very good help for our beginners too. so, many people are waiting for your tutorials now.

  • I think it's my turn now. My name is sergei,from russia.(that was rather obvious ).i started playing games from dendy>Sega>sony ps>dreamcast and now pc.well,action Rpg is "my choice".and when i get tired from it,i play some shoot'em up game. I often thought-that game is good,but not enough.if only i could...well,you know what happens next.after some tries,i understood that programming is rather hard,and takes some time to i went through internet,spent some time searching,untill i found construct. The main "plus" of it is that friendly community.i am rather inactive on forum,because all my questions are already answered,so i just need time to find,and-here it is!no problems! By the way:i'not a programmer.not a painter.i can't write a song,Or make some music.but i am rather good in scenario writing.from easy and small-good vs bad fight,to rather complicated stuff,that takes time but is rather nice in the,i helped with scenario for some comics and a couple subquests for some i'm trying to make a shooter in 2d,with a medium scenario and maybe even not linear after all.i just love games with more than 1 ending,so my game will have 2 or more of them.that's it.

  • Good,i just found out that post,so,you see i'm russian too.not so many posts,not so many time,you know.anyway,here is plenty of us already.

  • Well it can look like : unlock <object name here>

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Member since 26 Jan, 2009

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