lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Just curious, is it possible to play Spriter animations without all of the tweening, giving it more of a frames effect?

    You can use 'instant' on the speed curve for each mainline key in Spriter. Instant speed curve changes to the new position instantly with no tweening.

    In case anyone missed it on the previous page:

    Character Maps, Collision Boxes, and Sound Effects have been added to Construct 2's importer!

    plugin changelog 5/9/14

    • Construct 2 Release r169(beta) now imports character maps, collision boxes, and sound effects! (Demo coming soon)
    • Updated the way plugin handles pivot points to fix a bug where shifting pivot points in an animation would cause the bounding box to be offset to an incorrect location. This fix works in conjunction with a change in Spriter's save process and Construct 2's scml import process, so:

      To take advantage of this fix, if you imported scml into your C2 project before this update, you will need to:
      • resave the Spriter project using an updated version of Spriter (redownload Spriter b8 if you downloaded it before 5/9/14)
      • reimport it using Construct 2 r169(beta) or higher

  • Character Maps, Collision Boxes, and Sound Effects have been added to Construct 2's importer!

    plugin changelog 5/9/14

    • Construct 2 Release r169(beta) now imports character maps, collision boxes, and sound effects! (Demo coming soon)
    • Updated the way plugin handles pivot points to fix a bug where shifting pivot points in an animation would cause the bounding box to be offset to an incorrect location. This fix works in conjunction with a change in Spriter's save process and Construct 2's scml import process, so:

      To take advantage of this fix, if you imported scml into your C2 project before this update, you will need to:
      • resave the Spriter project using an updated version of Spriter (redownload Spriter b8 if you downloaded it before 5/9/14)
      • reimport it using Construct 2 r169(beta) or higher

  • lucid thanks, I figured it out! The capx in this tutorial sets the animation every frame, hence being constantly triggered.

    Hi again That's still a bug, you should be able to set the current animation to itself like that without that happening, and so:

    plugin changelog 5/8/14

    • Fixed an IID error that could occur if you destroyed an scml object while it was in the middle of loading the .scon file
    • Fixed a bug that caused sound effects to play again if you set the animation to the currently playing animation at the current time
  • plugin changelog 5/8/14

    • Fixed an IID error that could occur if you destroyed an scml object while it was in the middle of loading the .scon file
  • So I've been looking into sound using Spriter. The 'On Sound Trigger' condition currently fires continuously for the duration of the sound effect. Is this by design, or should it only fire once at the beginning? Thanks!

    It should only fire once at the beginning. All of these upcoming features will probably have a bug or two for the initial version with sound, collision boxes, and character maps, since it's difficult to test multiple projects without the automated importer. Feel free to send me the capx, so I can test it out. Here's an example of how the event should look for sound. These events won't be automatically created, since there's so many different ways to play back sound:

  • plugin changelog 5/7/14

    • Added debug log msgs for loading failures
    • Fixed a few errors that could occur when attempting to load a project with missing files.
    • Fixed a bug that would prevent an animation from starting in a very specific set of circumstances regarding layout changes with scml objects not on all layouts
  • They should have been deleted from the current frame, though in Spriter you can have objects on one frame, but not another. So you can have ten objects on the first frame, and only two objects on the second, etc. Is it possible they were deleted from that frame, but still existed on another frame?

    Shift-Delete deletes the object from every frame. I verified that deleting an object from the canvas works for me, and also updates the object in frames window immediately, but it is of course possible it's a bug that only occurs under certain circumstances.

  • the program froze and stopped...

    This is all I know for now, hopefully this all was clear enough.

    Thanks for the detailed bug report. I wasn't able to make it crash or freeze when trying to follow your steps, but please let me know if it happens again.

  • plugin changelog 5/5/14

    • Fixed a bug that prevented the plugin from finding a default animation to play if there wasn't a valid animation already set under certain circumstances
  • you have an expression under animations "compare current time".

    does this has DT pre-programmed inside it like all behaviors have in C2 or i need to add it my self?

    i need the animation to spawn an objectt if

    current time is >1390 milliseconds

    current time is <1405 milliseconds.

    sometimes it does not spawn the object and my guess is that is has to do with the frame rate and dt.

    and if i have to add dt how do i do it in this situation?

    It plays according to the actual framerate, which is the same as having DT preprogrammed in. That event wouldn't fire if the animation happened to be play slower than 66 fps and skipped over that 15 milliseconds time frame. Are you using that event as a trigger, so that when it gets to 1400 milliseconds, the event triggers?

  • i gave my scml file the "flash" behavior.

    when it is triggered the whole animation disappears for a few milliseconds and then it appears again flashing as intended.

    any idea what causes this disappearance of the whole animation?

    Please send a capx. It's working fine for me.

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  • plugin changelog 5/1/14

    • Fixed an additional bug that made sprite z-order not always update correctly for animations containing action points.
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