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  • Roccinio

    You just set the automatic pause settings once, when the object is created. Once you set the padding with a single action, then the plugin will continue to pause and unpause automatically, unless you use another action to stop automatic pausing.

    The padding values decide how far outside the current viewport the object is before it pauses automatically.

    Messing around with this should make it pretty clear:

    AutoPause Demo

    To use the demo:

    • Use arrow keys or click inside minimap to move the camera.
    • Red means paused. Green means playing.
    • Move the sliders to change the automatic pausing settings.
    • Moving the values into the negative puts them firmly into the viewport where it's easy to watch the behavior of the pausing in real time as you scroll through the layout.

  • Roccinio

    plugin changelog 5/25/14

    • Fixed a bug that was recalculating the current frame even while paused nullifying the cpu savings while paused.
    • Removed a js array search bottleneck resulting in massive speed gains.
    • Added 'Set Automatic Pausing' action that allows you to set a padded border to the viewport. Animation playback will automatically pause and resume as it leaves and enters the padded viewport area to save cpu resources when objects are offscreen. The animation timer will continue to tick even while outside the viewport to give the appearance the animation was playing the whole time. The action also allows you to set sound playback to be excluded from automatic pausing.

    A few quick tests:

    Objects all on screen animating:

    Objects all on screen paused:

    Objects sparsely populating a large area and automatically pausing off-screen

  • oh yes Roccinio, I remember meaning to add that to this response, but I was holding off on responding to everyone because I found some bugs and room for improvement in the plugin while making the example capx's for winsonzhong. And I missed yours when going back through everyone's questions. Sorry about that. In any case, there's a few things I want to try before answering. I'll respond back with my findings

    Anyone else I missed, it was a mistake, please repeat your question.

  • Pinning seems cleaner, but I think they should both be equivalent now that the lagging issue is resolved.

  • New beta release of Spriter today contains bug fixes that are important to making sure the pro features are working correctly in C2.

    If you're having any issues with sound, collision boxes, or character maps, please make sure you have the latest beta version of Spriter (you can manually check through Edit|Settings if you don't have automatic update checks set up) and the latest version of the plugin.

    plugin changelog 5/24/14

    • Fixed bug that caused blending between animations to sometimes stop blending early.
    • Improved handling of changing to another animation blend before the current one has finished.
    • Improved animation blend handling of image switching by switching to the new animations' images once a blend has reached the halfway mark, resulting in smoother, more natural looking blends.
    • Fixed a bug in the scaling of collision boxes in the plugin.
    • Fixed a bug that caused certain character maps to be ignored.
    • Fixed a bug that caused sounds to be triggered every tick when an animation was paused.

    You can see the new animation blending in action in the transitional and second animation blend capx's below.

    lucid - some of my animations play at varying speeds and I don't know why, would you like to see my capx?

    PSI, if you sent the capx, I never got it.

    I just looked at a view videos of this program and I have to just say.... wow. I bought it almost instantly. How the hell are you guys not charging more than 25 dollars!

    dmurphy, thank you very much!

    Thas started happening since I updated the spriter plugin.

    Please help me, I'm stuck here because I can't do a thing.

    josiascaignard, as Roccinio said, this probably has to do with needing to update Spriter and/or resave with the new save option

    How can I change sound (footstep) while walking on different areas ?

    Sound Changing capx

    winsonzhong, to do this, I just made a grounddetector collision box in Spriter for the walk animation, as well as adding the default walking sound effect which was named step.wav

    If you look in the capx, you can see I used a family for the ground types and a private variable to control changing the sound to alternate versions. Please let me know if you have any questions about the capx:

    [quote:1as3i13t]and it's hard to understand setting the blend mood , can make an capx for example?

    Transitional Animation Blend capx

    If you just want your animations to blend into eachother, you just have to choose a blend type for the animation start parameter of Set Animation, and the amount of time you want the blend to take:

    Manual Animation Blend capx

    You can also manually control a blend between two animations, by setting a 'second animation' and then changing the blend ratio. There is also an action to end the 'second animation' style blend:

  • sure

  • thanks tumira

    plugin changelog 5/20/14

    • Fixed a bug with the new pivot point system that animated pivot point changes incorrectly.
    • Fixed a bug that would cause glitched animation playback in Android's stock browser
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  • tumira tried two different scml files (greyguy and another file I was using for testing) and both of them play back fine on stock Android 4.2.1 browser.

  • hey tumira . Does this happen for everything, or just certain files?

    EDIT: If possible please send the zipped scml/images so I can try it myself. Also, so you're saying this is the html5 export, and it works on pc browsers, but not android?

  • lucid - Ashley - after I installed the latest build of C2 (release 169) and the latest scml plugin, all of my spawned attacks and effects are offset quite a bit. I will see if I can fix it by moving image points. Not sure why it did that.

    Make sure you resave with the latest version of Spriter as well using the new save option. That sounds like it might be the issue.

  • Hello signaljacker, are you also using the latest version of the plugin?

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