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  • because all it is is coordinates for distort maps

    it isn't an actual 3d mesh that you can rotate

    it also is much more trouble writing a plugin to interpret an existing format than to just make one up

    at least in this case

  • is it okay to get rid of:

    	float			x;				// X co-ordinate (top left point)
    	float			y;				// Y co-ordinate (top left point)
    	float			w;				// Width
    	float			h;				// Height
    	float			angle;			// Rotation angle
    	float			displayangle;	// Actual displayed angle
    	bool			isMirrored;
    	bool			isFlipped;[/code:2v972zq8]
    	float			HotSpotX;		// Offset from the top left point
    	float			HotSpotY;		// Offset from the top left point
    	float			HotSpotAngle;	// Hotspot in polar form
    	float			HotSpotDist;[/code:2v972zq8]
    if an object isn't going to be drawn at all?
    or will it cause problems
  • ok, thanks guys. I'll still make a version of it to help with custom controls schemes at least

  • so does this mean it's not possible? or it's an annoying question? or what?

  • You guys are awesome, seriously.

  • thanks guys

    im making a custom controls object to work with mouse and keyboard as a simple workaround until the official custom controls come out. i can retrieve the value of the key pressed from mouse-keyboard, and reuse it for my own custom movement event sheets. but id like to share it with the community and most people use behaviors for movement, if i had a way to access the control data, and trigger those events, it could work with built in behaviors as well

  • is there a way to simulate a control press? i dont mean like a keyboard key or a mouse click, i mean like up, down, or jump, etc. so my plugin could trigger events as if the actual controls were pressed?

  • nevermind

    got it...

    The SDK is just as awesome as the rest of construct.

  • not sure if this was known, but the image manipulator copy paste to from sprite canvas stuff doesn't seem to be working

  • depending on how much you need to do this

    pasting distorted sprites onto canvases and updating collision masks would work

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  • thanks devs

    this rocks

  • I see lucid is doing what we discussed as a possibility to his idea l

    yes, thanks sol

    Using the two functions I mentioned above allows you to get/set variables from other objects.

    thanks rich. I have few questions, though, if anyone has a few moments

    from rts(just because the code's already there, I don't plan to use rts:

      795 // User defined functions
      796 long ExtObject::GetData(int id, void* param)
      797 {
      798 	switch (id) {
      799 	// If your extension uses a window, you can return it here
      800 	case 1337:
      801 		return (long)(pfLayoutMaps[pLayout].pfMap[params.cellsize]);
      802 	case 1338:
      803 		return (long)&waypoints;
      804 	case 1339:
      805 		return pfcellW;
      806 	case 1340:
      807 		return pfcellH;
      808 	}
      810 	return 0;
      811 }
      812 [/code:2luvbwu9]
    ok, so to use this, first I would get a pointer to the object the same way I did before:
    [code:2luvbwu9]CRunObject* Object = params[0].GetObjectParamFirstInstance(pRuntime);[/code:2luvbwu9]
    then could I just:
     [code:2luvbwu9]Object->GetData(1337)[/code:2luvbwu9]   ?
    is that correct?  What is the second void parameter for? 
    also, in:
    [quote:2luvbwu9]  813 long ExtObject::CallFunction(int id, void* param)
      814 {
      815 	switch (id) {
      817 		// Write speed to param
      818 	case CF_GETSPEED:
      819 		*(float*)param = speed;
      820 		break;
      821 	}
      823 	return 0;
    is CF_GETSPEED just an int const?
    and if so, for the sake of form, and keeping all the plugin code uniform, is there a specific file I should define these constants in?
    also, I got GetObjectParam from the ACE Table Wiki, and I got GetObjectParamFirstInstance from the RTS behavior, is there a list somewhere of all the possibilities that can be used?, and does GetObjectParamFirstInstance return the first picked instance? or just the first instance period?
    as an aside, I'm so damn excited  , so far this plugin thing is awesome.  it's exactly what I needed for my project
    thanks again for the suggestion Sol!
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