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  • Don't think he's talking about private variables?

    right, not private variables, just ordinary c++ variable declared in the plugin's source. even if i have to do some extra steps to make it useable, itd be really useful

  • I've gotten it to work so I can change the angle of a sprite from within an action

    is it possible to get variables you create for an object from an object taken as a parameter

    for instance:

    MyPlugin has a variable I'd like to be accessible like Angle is on sprites, call it MyValue

    MyPlugin2 has an action where you can choose a MyPlugin Object as a parameter

    and it will retrieve and change MyValue

    is that possible?,

    and how?

    because object->info seems to be only for retrieving values declared in the RunObjectHeaderInfo struct

  • thanks ashley

  • I want to know how to change things about an object taken as a parameter

    a simple example would be if I made Angle Changer object

    AngleChanger has an action

    Change Angle

    it gives a drop down list, where you can choose a sprite

    and when that action triggers at runtime it changes the angle of the sprite

    obviously useless, and more of a behavior

    but, for learning sake

    what would the C++ line of code be that changed the parameter object to a new angle

    and could I use the same method to change a variable in an object I made with the sdk?


  • I tried using 0

    it still won't work

  • it's pretty simple

    +start of layout
    --------Array-Set index 1 to "hello"
    +Array-Value at 1 = "hello"
    --------Set Text to "hello"[/code:jpftuy47]
    why is it not triggering the event?,  I really have no idea
    if you check the debugger, you can see there is indeed an array with the value "hello" at the first x index
  • actually, I think it is partially because it's in uploads instead of help

    this community actually gets complimented on it's responsiveness/helpfulness all the time

    if you find you're not getting any responses even in the help section

    it's usually a bug you're reporting and you can just report it to the bug tracker

    I actually can't say anything too helpful at the moment, because I'm a little busy

    but I will say this for you to take into consideration, and maybe it will help

    the canvas takes up vram like a sprite, so if you make the canvas the size of the screen, it will be like trying to have a full screen sprite. if you have several, it will probably run on your or my machine, but not on a lot of others

    also, I could be wrong because I thought I had taken care of it before, but it really seems to be working

    I filled in the transparent areas of your bamboo normal map with black

    I know that's not how normal maps are supposed to work

    but try this :

    I haven't looked in detail what the separate normal maps are for, but the far right one is still doing it, but none of the other bamboo sticks, I can't get the glitch to show up.

    as for the other weird canvas issues, I'll have to have a look at those tomorrow maybe.

  • [quote:1hgv8arj]Currently changing height and width stretches it so i am wondering if you have a way to do it at all?

    make a temp canvas

    paste the original to it

    resize the original canvas

    clear the original canvas to transparent

    paste the temp canvas to the original

    destroy the temp canvas

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  • I guess I've never tried to use an alpha masked bumpmap before

  • im not at home, on a short break at work, viewing this from my cell phone, but you can sort of simulate a directional light with masking

    search forum for the word bumpy

    and check out my bumpy light cone for an example of fake directional lighting.

    cant check out your caps on my cell though

    ill check those later today

  • it's the tint plus

    take is off and it doesn't do it anymore

    if you're intent on using the tintplus, a workaround would be to have copies of the objects in the exact same spots with the mask effect on, that would make those parts invisible, but you'd have to have them on a separate layer from other objects that might move into the small mask area

    btw, I like the look of it, what did you use to generate the bumpmap?

  • I had a long thread about this same question a long time ago with construct

    eventually, the only way I found to it was using a canvas

    make the sprite invisible,

    ---clear canvas
    ---paste masksprite to canvas[/code:11cmh3h2]
    and set the mask effect to the canvas instead of the masking sprite
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