is it okay to get rid of:
float x; // X co-ordinate (top left point) float y; // Y co-ordinate (top left point) float w; // Width float h; // Height float angle; // Rotation angle float displayangle; // Actual displayed angle bool isMirrored; bool isFlipped;[/code:2v972zq8] or [code:2v972zq8] float HotSpotX; // Offset from the top left point float HotSpotY; // Offset from the top left point float HotSpotAngle; // Hotspot in polar form float HotSpotDist;[/code:2v972zq8] if an object isn't going to be drawn at all? or will it cause problems
I just figured it might increase the number of objects I can have if the struct was significantly smaller
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No you can't, and the saving is literally a few bytes anyway, so it wouldn't be worth it.
thanks rich
If you change that struct you will change all the memory offsets used by the runtime and your plugin will completely break, not to mention the fact that the memory saving would be so tiny, you probably couldn't even measure a difference.
Yeah, the memory offsetting would break things.