lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • you can adjust the spacing per character

    also, the plugin compensates for hotspots, so they dont affect letter placement, control this with spacing and y offset per letter actions

    my other project is coming along pretty well,

    so ill try to get to the (final?) update, and the tutorial soon

  • i would only be using it for its intended purpose, but adding callfunctions to bypass using the aces, and adding complexity to an already complex cap. im using it mostly for right click menus. the editor im building has several type of simple geometric math objects. sine waves, ratio values, interpolated curves, etc. they all interact in many ways, and as i build and test it, the methods continue to grow. if i want to pick a curve, for instance, right now, through events, i right click, in pops up a listbox, depending on what ive clicked on, and select curve will come up as an option, if i click on that, it brings up a list of all the curves that have been created in the current editting session. to do this, i need a right click event, suppressed depending on whats clicked, create a list box, make the first item a label to check later which type of menu or submenu it is, then i run a looping condition created specifically to run through the curves and output strings of object names to the listbox, then on selection changed, i run an action that loops through the list of curves to find the one with the name that was clicked on after supressing the click on the label. there are also right click menus with functions instead of lists. and in order to destroy a submenu listbox along with the original i need to call a function to forget the one picked by clicking and then destroy them. so far things arent getting too bad yet. but anytime i want to change a function, or add a new option or list of objects, i have to create several events, and add new conditionsand actions just to control listboxes. by adding a few callfunctions to my engine code and to listbox, i could streamline the whole process, and concentrate on the engine and the editor, instead of spending long periods on updating listbox code.. pretty soon now that the basics are done, things are going to start getting really complicated. and the listbox thing although a simple problem, would start taking up large amounts of dev time. so yeah, the things i plan to add are pretty useless to the general community, but super useful for the current project i have going. the same for the other objects ive modified, they dont really do anything new, but if would have had to redo the code to draw curve with the line object everytime ive changed the underlying logic, i probably wouldnt be able to complete this project at all, due to the length of time itd take just inrearraning and redoing events

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  • i meant i could learn about drawing from canvas.

    the listbox object i need for a different reason

    basically, im making a plugin that will help me edit levels for an engine im working on, and if i could modify listbox (for personal use only)

    i can streamline the editor code in construct by making common listbox tasks get called through callfunctions by my editor plugin. ive done this with modified sprites, lines, and textboxes, and honestly i dont think i could have gotten as far as i have without having done so. its coming along awesomely

  • 1) if its uber important and you dont mind the extra effort, you can animate using uv mesh distortion,

    if youre interested in how it would work, i could make an example later. im at work right now though

  • he's future proofing it

    it if there were things moving around

    the timescale would be needed I'd say

    for zelda type scrolling

  • thanks ash

    if you get bored, throw canvas on there as well

    I think reading through some of that could be helpful down the road to making plugins that draw stuff

  • hey monkey

    I haven't worked much with platform behavior

    or animations, so there may be a better answer or a simpler solution

    but what I came up with is that the jumping animation is told to stop after it gets to 3

    when you change the animation to falling, it is still stopped

    so you need to instruct the animation to play

    also, set this event to "trigger once while true" (under system)

    this will keep it from looping the "play animation" command which would start your animation over and over, and make it look like it was stuck on the first frame:

    <img src="">

    edit :

    the screenshot method I showed here works, but

    I messed around some more

    and maybe I just don't get it, but having loop on doesn't seem to cancel out the repeat to number

  • I'm digging the math.

    an understanding of math always makes for an interesting scirra member

    if you didn't know

    there are DisplayWidth, and DisplayHeight expressions

    to keep you from having to type in the numbers manually

    and make it more flexible

    they can be found in system

  • my sincerest apologies then

    [quote:2ej35m51]So why don't you send that rant to Blizzard or post it on their boards instead of cluttering the boards here?

    I misread your tone here, and I assumed you were telling me my post was unwelcome, like

    "why don't you take that crap somewhere else, we don't need that kinda talk here"

    I won't be so quick to react the next time.

  • [quote:26t1ykyn]So why don't you send that rant to Blizzard or post it on their boards instead of cluttering the boards here? I assure you that the designers won't see what you have to say here.

    I don't post on the blizzard boards, because I am not a member of their boards nor do I intend to be

    and to be honest they're making gazillions without my help so I doubt they could give a crap and half about my opinions

    I'm also not cluttering the boards with anything

    if you don't enjoy the spirit of open discussion then don't come to open topic

    I know you work for blizzard, but that doesn't preclude me from speaking openly about my feelings to my other scirra colleagues

    [quote:26t1ykyn]Also, remember that designing and maintaining an MMORPG that has over 10 million subscriptions is no easy task at all. And Blizzard is definitely always improving the world, trust me on this

    I'm sure it's difficult

    so is designing an operating system capable of supporting countless devices from several eras, as well as thousands of apis from said eras, with tens of thousands of hackers trying to exploit and destroy your OS, or compromise other users' privacy, with a userbase of hundreds of millions, but that doesn't stop people from criticizing microsoft.

    wow is greatly overrated as a game, in my opinion. you don't do much at all, you just get to do it with other people. I don't see what all the fuss is about. for the millions a month they make, it could be better, and the users who have paid the full price of the game 5 times per year since it's inception should get the expansions free. what are they paying for actually?

    anyway, on happier note, great job newt.

    I'll use that on the example exes when I finally get around to the upgrade for the bitmapped font object

  • actually I do still need it

    I guess the answer is no, since subsequent posts were responded to, but not this one

    but just in case that's an incorrect assumption

    if it's doable

    I really could use it

  • I see.

    thanks for the info ash

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