lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • pretty neat

    it crashed right after I got that red thing though

  • I take it you can't go in that door without a 360 controller?

  • the whole point of most plugins is to avoid complicated eventing

  • isn't it more difficult to keep track of event numbers than just to use function names?

  • no

  • If you're dead set on using the particle object, you could also paste the particles into a canvas each frame, update the collision mask, then test for collisions with the canvas.

    You think the overhead of a full screen canvas with a particle object (along with the pasting of particles, and mask updating) be more efficient than collision checks, movement, and general runtime clogging of say, 5000 sprites? I'm thinking micro shump with thousands of bullets, where the sheer number of sprites would clog the runtime.

    Will particle pasting Defeat massive sprite spawning in terms of performance?

    it would take up more vram and you would only gain one collision mask for all particles with no ability to have a particle be able to be picked or react, so you could tell a particle hit a wall

    but not where, or which particle, and could do nothing with that particle afterward

    my rig is faster than slow, but I'm able to put 50 times as much particles as I have there without it slowing down, so I could have 50 of those particle generators with no fps drop. I'm not sure how many full screen canvases I can have, but it's probably not 50

    know what I mean?

    anyway, if anyone missed it:

    sprite particles example (98.9)

  • no problem, buddy

    glad it's working

  • alot of people ask how to make particles from sprites, here's one example

    you can add conditions and such to control the spray speed etc

    play around with it and exchange bullet behavior for physics if you're feeling crazy:

    particle example

    please ask questions if you're curious if something slightly different is possible

    and let me know if your system has trouble running this, so I can tone it down

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  • I think alot of construct community has non-gaming machines some of the little demos I'd released ages ago were deemed unplayable, and other peoples demos and such that are called fps killers don't even cause a hiccup on my system, and by my standards as a pc gamer, I think my system is only decent. I only have an 8800 gts, and an x2 4200+

    you just have to decide whether you want your games to be playable by gaming rigs, any rigs, or scalable. scalable being the best option unless it's going to ruin the art by turning it down

    alot of indie consumers are people with lower end systems tho

    haven't tried this yet tho mahler

    will try later when I have more time

  • it works amazingly well though:

    <img src="">

  • yeah, i posted that on my cel, so i didnt know until afterward how long and wally it was

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