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  • gonna chime in again.

    yeah, i think iphone has the larger share, but it's inevitable they'll be overtaken in the near future by android, and probably windows mobile 7 as well.

    also, I'm not much for license knowhow, but I've seen more than one multiplatform game or app editor, that requires a mac to export to iphone. Something about special mac files needed to compile to iphone, and typical steve jobs bullshiz. Might be something to look into

  • this was one of the things I was hoping to create eventually a bajillion years ago when in my naivety I thought I had time on my hands, and started that procedural animation editor.

    but it is damn awesome

    the only thing that's annoying, is I've seen several amazing ideas like this as university projects, and no one ever seems to turn them into full fledged real editors. I don't mean the busy students themselves. but you know, someone buy them up and do it

  • I know you probably already know this, but people have made working calculators, and tic tac toe AI's in little big planet as well

    as far as minecraft goes. I can see the appeal somewhat, but not the insane interest. maybe I'm missing something. but the sales are awesome. it'd be the perfect story if the guy was poor and struggling when he started.

  • I think rojo fixed them for the next build that's not out yet, according to source forge

  • custom named controls are broken in the last two versions

    I anticipate them being fixed in the next version or so, though, since they were working before, and it's a pretty serious issue

    if you use the default named controls like "Move Left" and "Jump"

    i think those are still working

  • Neither are finished. Mine less so than arsonides, but:

    Procedurally generated animation, and procedural infinite universe generation, respectively

  • Thanks rojo, though I had already found it. Wasn't quite what I needed. I was actually hoping you would respond to this thread, since you had created the resource plugin I thought maybe you'd have some insight into the problem. Basically I want to be able to create custom resource files, I was hoping for a simple solution. Sort of like fstream, but where I could include pngs and maybe sounds along with it. I did find one solution on a gamedev site I'll use if there's nothing elsewhere in the sdk that can help...anything you've stumbled upon that might help?

  • trying to find the definition for :

    virtual TextureHandle CreateTextureFromFile(PCTSTR filename, texture_format format = cr::texture_format_a8r8g8b8)

    basically I'm trying to figure out how to load/save texture from/to a file containing the img data along with other info, if necessary using binary fstream functions. the files will always be in png format before being combined with the other info.

    I'd appreciate any help on this front

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  • nah,

    recently became obsessed with the show Adventure Time

    but the show reminded me of the game

  • this game is super simple but super addictive ... -game.html

  • I just opened up a blank cap and put 18 particle emitters there each at a rate of 2400

    and it was still running at 90 fps, and my system isn't nearly as fast as the one you're claiming

    I've made a demo that used particle emitters with huge textures (1024x1024) and tons of sprites with textures at that size or larger, with 50 or 60 instances of ik animated characters using those textures to make up their bodies without experiencing the kindof slowdown you're talking about

    i don't think it was your intention to spread disinformation, but a question like "why is this slowing down" in help/tech support might have been a good idea, since newbs to construct might see this topic and assume it's really true. know what I mean?

  • Hey guys i'm finally back, got a break where no more uni assignments are due for a while. Also, my internet provider has stopped blocking source forge so I can work on stuff again (a woman on the phone told me it was a p2p

    Anyways, can anyone explain to me what the problem with physics actually is? Something to do with hinges doesn't really narrow things down, I'd like to know the nature of the problem so it can be fixed.

    I don't think there's any problems with physics anymore, you might be responding to something in the previous release thread, there aren't any comments about it here

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