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  • he's right, and just because I wasn't sure exactly what he meant,

    a simple example is:

    set sprite private variable ('MyFormula') to string : "(sprite.x/100) + sprite.angle"

    Set Sprite Angle : 10 * python(('MyFormula')) + sprite.y

  • happy birthday indeed.

    construct is in a class of it's own

    easiest to use and most powerful together at last

  • here's a dungeon/maze generator with events:

    here's a plugin that does it for you:

    small procedurally generated 3d terrain:

    and just for good measure, procedurally generated space sim WIP:

    and procedurally generated animation:

  • I think the creation forum should be kept as it is, but should also contain a Completed Project

  • Describe the homing attack in sonic games

  • damn, I kept trying but I just couldn't find it

    I don't remember who posted it, but someone posted two examples in a single thread of shadow trails like this

    I think they might have even used the akuma sprite.

    one of the examples just had a simple fade out, and the other one used plasma for a really crazy looking version of the same effect,

    I tried a few search terms, but couldn't find it, does anyone else remember this?

  • I don't know too much about c#, so maybe someone can expand upon whether that comes with it's own similar problems, but python has a few features and idiosyncrasies that I think will require you to later relearn things, that are common to most major languages, whereas I hear c# is very c-like.

    things like using horizontal whitespace to block a subprogram. not have to declare any variables. and inheritance and classes in general are very awkward in python, and to me seem like bad starting points for learning about them. I know classes are something you're going to learn in the first few weeks, but they arrive precisely when programming starts to get really powerful and interesting. so why not already be in a language that will make them both easier to understand, and better prepare you for other languages.

    Also, as others said, C# is popping up everywhere. it's getting bigger, where python seems to have it's place, but not one in constant large scale growth

  • Try Construct 3

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  • if you have large moving sprites for platforms, per pixel causes major slowdown

    I don't think 1024x1024 is impractically large for a modern hd game, but look at this cap

    runs fine

    toggle the action that rotates the sprite, and it causes major slowdown on my system, which is not top of the line, but fairly up to date:

    bounding box collision: 9300 fps

    per pixel: 25 fps

    AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition Deneb 3.4GHz

    4GB 1333 (PC3 10600) Dual Channel

    Radeon HD 5870 1GB

  • The most popular dual stick shooter out there right now is probably "geometry wars"... there was also the game "smash tv" which might have been the first to use it... I love dual stick shooters but to play them on a computer you would probably need a controller (which I have luckily)...

    I think the ghost shooter tutorial is basically a dual stick

    seems to work fine with mouse/keyboard as well

  • I had some really complex creation behavior I needed at one point.

    In situations like this, the function object really shines.

    Use the function instead of a create action,

    In the function, you could put anything you'd want in an On_create event

    You could even have an "amount" parameter, and have that parameter set the amount of times for a for loop to run to create multiple objects

  • not sure what you mean, and in any case, that sounds like alot of work for what should be as simple as clicking an option in a dropdown menu

  • right now, if you have a thin rectangle turned at a 45 degree angle

    per pixel is a waste of resources, especially if the object is very large

    but bounding box, creates a non angled box that encompasses the entire diagonal object

    and has no practical use whatsoever in most situations, but is very fast

    I think the ability to have a bounding box that would enclose the original sprite, basically the box you see in the picture editor, that will turn with the object's angle, and scale with it

    would be much quicker than per pixel, and be extremely useful in many situations

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