lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • And post a bug report

  • sorry, guess I never uploaded the new version

    same link at the top

    don't expect a final on this for a bit

    sorry, but my job is insanely ridiculous at the moment with the overtime

    and I'm supersidetracked

  • Sounds interesting, but....

    Is this any good?

    Would it be a usable alternative to use for developing plugins for Construct?

    Anyone got any experience with this?

    Thanks in advance.


    no, not a usable alternative. construct sdk relies on libraries exclusive to ms visual studio (or something exclusive to vs, can't remember),

    but you can use the free vs express version to make plugins

  • multiply the flash speed by timedelta to control by time instead of frames

  • I'm looking for a simple programming language for my 11 year old daughter to learn. I'll explain a little about what I'm aiming for so you understand the particular need. She is having a little trouble in math. The schools in our area aren't rated well, and it seems they are just cranking out aimless homework, with no real purpose. She is very intelligent, but I can see she is just trying to apply a bunch of disjointed and unconnected algorithms and processes for calculating, that are basically meaningless on their own. I'm aiming to help her achieve that understanding of how it all fits together, and why any of it matters. That gestalt any programmer can identify with, where math is both a set of tools at your disposal, and an elegant language that describes the world. Admittedly, I believe understanding math is a prerequisite to being a good programmer, and not the other way around, but I also believe an intelligent person trying to program will be forced to grasp math in a deeper way in order to solve programmatic problems.

    When I was a child, they had us play with Logo, to make the turtle draw and do interesting things. Is there some newer programming language, or programming environment to aid young minds in discovering the world of logic and math? Preferably something fun and easy to jump into. Any other ideas for helping a child grasp the overall purpose and interconnectedness of math that aren't strictly programming language related are welcome as well.

    Construct doesn't fit the bill because it's too easy to use, you don't need to use math at all unless you're doing something really complex, and if you're doing that, you need to already have a good understanding of math.

  • I don't think it's a lost cause

    you just have to make it something ridiculous rather than a straightforward good old style shooter

    like if you made it look as busy as Gratuitous Space Battles

    zooming in and out like Spore cellular stage as you suped up your ship to insane proportions

    using the full power of construct to have complete visual overwhelming insanity all over the place

    and make the powerups get awesomer and awesomer until there's tentacles coming out of your ship and grabbing nearby ships and hurling them to the ground, while miniature ships fly out of the back of your ship to circle around and support your ship, it might be a cult hit

    but if it's just a great old style shooter without some fanservice exaggerated insanity

    I agree it probably won't sell well

    I do think the art style looks great btw

  • when attempting to build the latest svn sprite plugin I get:

    .\Edittime.cpp(66) : error C2039: 'GetAnimationName' : is not a member of 'VEditTime'
            c:\program files (x86)\scirra\sdk\sprite2\..\..\Common\VEdittime.h(14) : see declaration of 'VEditTime'
    .\Drawing.cpp(120) : error C2039: 'GetAnimationName' : is not a member of 'VEditTime'
            c:\program files (x86)\scirra\sdk\sprite2\..\..\Common\VEdittime.h(14) : see declaration of 'VEditTime'[/code:2p0cvmpe]
    Edittime.cpp(66) is:
    [quote:2p0cvmpe]int FindAnAnimationWithName(VEditTime* pEditTime, int anim, CString name)
    	if(pEditTime->QueryAnimationFrameCount(anim) > 0 && name.CompareNoCase(pEditTime->GetAnimationName(anim)) == 0)
    and Drawing.cpp(120) is
    [quote:2p0cvmpe]int FindAFrameWithAnimationName(VEditTime* pEditTime, int anim, CString startAnim, int index)
    	if(startAnim.CompareNoCase(pEditTime->[b]GetAnimationName(anim)[/b]) == 0 // Equal
    EDIT: Solved, just overwrote the common folder from the SVN to my scirra directory
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Can construct create add-on exe files ?

    add-on exe files?

  • Construct v99.96 is quite stable although there are some memory type errors that pop up every now and again.As long as the game that your'e creating does not involve too many complicated events then Construct should be pretty stable.

    I don't think complexity must be avoided, it just becomes more quirky. Not like "OK, gotta take that out of the game", more like "OK, guess we'll have to do it this way" instead of the other way. both ways have the same result, just one might trigger said glitch, the other is fine

    I have worked with mmf and game maker ,They are good ,But not as versatile as Construct.And like Arsonide pointed out you could always create plugins which could make CS more stable.The possibilities that Construct has with plugins are almost endless.

    as a plugin developer, I don't think you can develop plugins to make construct more stable, only more powerful and easy to use. basically any feature construct doesn't already have that you'd like to add, you can make a plugin for

  • I think while construct doesn't have perfect stability, arsonide's description was a bit of an exaggeration. I haven't used mmf to compare, but as far as gamemaker there's no comparison, it's so much faster in terms of both developing an idea into a working model, and also in terms of graphical and computational performance it's not even in the same class. I paid for gamemaker, and I wouldn't even consider looking back. Also, there are many on the boards who migrated from mmf and haven't gone back. So, yeah, stability isn't perfect, but flying to moon with bottle rockets strapped to your back is an unfair analogy. the crappy car is a better analogy, though we should say it's a beaten up ferrari.

    Keep in mind Arsonide is a developer of a procedural space game with infinite (for all practical purposes) universe, that had moved away to try out Unity, and come back to Construct with continual updates on the development to his game for the last several months. Seems a large investment of time for something if he was so sure it wasn't going to work in the end. I don't think he was trying to deceive you, just warn you that stability is an issue at times. It's just the analogies he used seem to indicate it's impossible to work with construct without it all ending in disaster, which I personally disagree with.

  • Well, it won't be picked if it doesn't exist

    There is a "for each object ordered" where you could loop through them in order of the private variable

    If for whatever reason that won't work in a subevent of a "for each object" loop

    -family name is equal to (the number you're checking against)

    Then it will loop through each objectr but only go into those actions if the object also contains. The correct value

  • I can't pick a fav

    but I'll start with a good one

    commando for c64:

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