lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • so, as promised, but a few days late, spriter updated vid

    and spriter updated version:


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    all current pro users get to alpha test until beta release. so if you buy today, you get the latest versions until beta release.

    in other news, I've quit my dayjob, and I'll be working fulltime for the next half a year or so on mostly spriter, and projects using spriter, so development should be picking up quite a bit.

    please ask questions and make suggestions

    for current users, just return the workflowy for the link to the latest alpha

    aside from bugfixes and some optimizations. the main new addition since last week is the adjustable pivotpoints. press h to change the pivotpoint of an image. this will apply to all instances of this image. you can also do this to multiselections as well, so you can adjust the axis of rotation for a group of selected images as well

    <font size="1">Hello Construct community,

         I have recently joined forces with Brashmonkey, to develop the plugin for Construct Classic that will allow you to load Spriter files into your games. (Spriter homepage) Development is nearly complete, and you can expect to move your huge and insanely detailed multisprite creations just as easily as you would a standard construct sprite.   


         I've taken over as lead developer of Spriter, leaving Holymonkey free to make example files, tutorial videos, and entire game art packs in Spriter format which will allow indie game developers to jump right into making games. And thanks to the flexibility of the format, artists can easily replace images and alter animations to make entirely new creations.

          But there is also much bigger news. Spriter will be coming to C2 next for use in your HTML5 games, so you can create high quality 2d games that run on any platform with a modern browser.

         And the biggest news we have is that Spriter is being completely redesigned from the ground up to make it as intuitive and fun to use as possible. Quite simply, we want it to be the ultimate tool for creating multisprite animation for real time games. Development is just beginning, here's what we've got so far:


         We will be keeping you updated with the latest ui tweaks and new features, and taking your suggestions and criticisms from the very beginning. We are committed to making Spriter the industry standard format for multisprite animation. Tell us what you want or need to get you excited about using Spriter. Motion tweening? Docking UI elements? We're open to everything.

        </font>edited><editid>lucid</editid><editdate>2011-11-10 06:13:45</editdate></edited>

  • what did i tell you clocky?       ~_^

  • Woot! kyat now weilds the nyanhammer!

  • Lately its been alot of eminem and incubus, oh and I drink at least 2 or 3 monster or rockstar energy juices.

    also if im more open to distraction that day, rewatching scott pilgrim vs the world, ppg's, or my little pony in a small window off to the right of my screen usually does the trick. Can only do it with things I've seen 18billions times

    Also, irc on 24/7 to break off to, and talk about what im working on is usually a nice procrastinatory gesture

  • from what I've read about number 4. definitely, you can hire someone who's job it is to help you get bigger correctly. Banks who claim to be able to help you make your small business grow may have additional info, I haven't gotten that far though.    I think alot of small companies that get big aren't just people who know everything about running a big business. also, you can control your growth, I've also read growing too big too quick was the main cause of failure back when the internet was just getting started. Also, number 4 is definitely not 'ha' and it's not a lofty goal. If you're incapable of creating a great game it's obviously impossible, but there's no reason why inherently it's unrealistic. most indie games really aren't that great. it isn't luck that makes games like terraria, and minecraft, and angry birds, and world of goo get big. they're just original and fun, and look great. You don't have to be crysis to look great, there are humbler ways to look good. and I have to stress that last part. I think good looks is one of the most important aspects to successful indie games. this is my own personal theory here. i think a good game with average or bad graphics will get almost nowhere, but a slightly less good game with very attractive, interesting "hey look at this screenshot" graphics has a good chance of getting somewhere. of course gameplay is important to get as big as you're hoping, but if you can't make good art, and you think you're game is a winner, hire an artist when you're game is further along.              

    I'm pretty tired so I'm not going to reread all of that, but as far as selling html5 I'm not sure about that. I believe the chrome store may do that, but I think there are a few other things to consider. 1 is there is an application i forgot what it's called that converts html5 games into native iphone and android....and maybe windows desktop? not sure about the last one.   also. eventually construct 2 will support more than just html5, if you're serious about making a business out of games, you probably won't be totally finished before c2 has begun on it's next exporter.

    anywho, good luck!!!

  • Joxer, forgot the name, but its posted in c2 forum somewhere, there's an application that let's you convert html5 to native android and iphone

  • i think he means login and username probably,

  • It would probably be helpful to include links or info about what spruz is

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  • Im on android. Use it nonstop for everything, web is perfect, irc is awesome(andchat).

    Glad everyone else finally caught up speedwise to iphone, cuz apple always kinda irritates me with all their policies, and closed systems, and uncustomizability to the point where the way they are as a company makes me skip over their products even when they are superior

  • what was it you were wanting that you didn't achieve?

  • really awesome man

    you going to go further with it?

  • "rectangular shape, rounded edges, flat clear surface, curved back"

    so should I file a patent on paper that's rectangular, white, and has lines on it to get rich in europe?

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