lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hey everyone, just a small update. There's a small closed alpha going on now, finding the big bugs and ui issues before the public beta. So we're still on track for late november public beta.

  • There's always the plugin route, in fact this runs almost parallel to the planned Spriter plug Lucid, and Brashmonkey are doing.

    Thanks newt. This is exactly right, you can have multiple named collision boxes on a per animation frame basis.

    Here's the relevant link[/url]

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  • Hey everyone, just a small update. There's a small closed alpha going on now, finding the big bugs and ui issues before the public beta. So we're still on track for late november public beta.

  • this is impressive!

    my question is: we can make the caracter with this program and still have the separated parts functions. making it clear, the hotpoint/imagepoint of each part will stay the same or the editor will create a full image without the separated parts and turn into a single frame?

    i'm asking this because if we want to make a "equipment change" inside the program this will not interfere the original character or other parts, like, if you allow the player to change the character boots or gloves, the other equipment stay the same till the player change, like some mmorpgs. full customization.

    this is possible?

    sorry for the bad english

    for now the plugin will create the whole image for you, and it will be one single object. what you're saying with equipment changes will be possible with what are called charmaps, which allow you to swap out certain parts of characters, or the entire character with named sets of images..

    more to what you were saying though. probably not for 1.0. but I plan on making it so you can replace any body part with an actual construct object to do what you say, or take direct control of a body part for whatever reason in your game, and control it through events

  • Apologies for the bump.

    thanks for the bump

    The first thing I'm wondering is if the collision rectangles work the way I think they do. If I understand right, it sets collision points before putting the animation into whatever game program, and then whoever does the programming can simply use those without having to implement collision masks in the program itself? Granted, what happens during those collisions obviously wouldn't be handled in spriter, but still, if that does what I think it does, I'd be amazed.

    that's exactly how it works. you simply add SpriterHitBox to your project, and do nothing further. the spriter plugin will create and destroy them according to the frame of animation. so you can do events like

    SomeSprite on collision with SpriterHitBox

    ----SpriterHitBox.Name = "swordtip"

    -----------Do Something

    they are invisible by default, but you can turn them on for debugging your game, and they appear in the color you specified in the editor. It's just random in this case, and for testing purposes, but if you look at the video, when a certain frame plays a red box appears. that's a hitbox

    Another thing I'm wondering is if any additional programming is required for bone movement after putting the animations in the program. Is it really that simple? I know very little of bone movement in construct right now, so maybe this is a question best saved for later, but I'm just too curious I suppose.

    it really is that simple. most of the actions/conditions/expressions are taken directly from the normal sprite object, with modified inner workings of course, but you'll see everything you would expect to see, like Play Animation, Pause, Set Speed, Set Angle, and you can apply behaviors, etc.

    It's very different than bone behavior. it will be an object like sprite, rather than a behavior, and will not use separate sprites to create the different parts like the bone behavior. it handles all the drawing internally.

    on another note, the VRAM savings over normal sprites can be tremendous. For instance, assuming your character uses the same set of sprites for each frame(which won't always be the case), if you made a character with 500 frames of animation over the course of all their animations, it would take approximately 0.2% of the VRAM of the same character had it been a normal sprite. For example if a normal sprite took up 150MB of VRAM, the same thing could be done 0.3MB. This drastic VRAM savings means you can have larger characters and enemies, with smoother animations, and more different types of characters and enemies before vram starts becoming an issue

    Finally, will the current price for pro remain the same when the beta is released?

    The public beta is aimed to begin at a late November release. the price will remain the same until it's out of beta, which won't be until it's complete and stable.     the new price has not been decided yet.

  • Thanks and you're welcome. Beta by december

  • motion tweening with tweakable timecurves is a planned feature for the next Spriter:

  • mouse/keyboard object's condition Mouse is Over object condition ignores current picking with strange results:

    the object variables are numbered 1 through 4

    the second condition picks the ones with less than 3 so two of them are faded to 50 opacity, then the check for mouseover should only activate if one of those semitransparent one's has the mouse over it. instead it adds anything not already picked into the picking list

    i will have a look at the runtime and see if i can find a way to fix this later, but if anyone has an idea how to fix this just using construct and the cap file, I'd appreciate it. I don't mind if I need extra pv's and global variables just to do some fake picking thing

  • thanks again. I pm'd you back about the updated runtimes. Also, if you could phrase what you did in a changelog friendly way I'll add it to the cc changelog

  • With regard to the number size issue. If you set a variable with an action you can use 15 digit numbers with no rounding.


    sounds like a bug really

    not being able to initialize to the same accuracy wouldn't be the expected behavior

  • Your link leads to no where, lucid =(

    thanks I fixed it:

    > Looking forward to this. Actually I was just playing a game on the iPad 2 called "Quest Runner" which seemed to using similar animations to this tool.

    hey cryptwalker, you may have already seen this, but there's been alot more news on this here:[/url]

  • Looking forward to this. Actually I was just playing a game on the iPad 2 called "Quest Runner" which seemed to using similar animations to this tool.

    hey cryptwalker, you may have already seen this, but there's been alot more news on this here:[/url]

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