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    Maybe what I wanted to modify it for can use a simpler solution... <img src="smileys/smiley29.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> I just need to be able to go through a number and tell what each digit is individually. Is that as complicated to do?

    make sure it's a string and then just do mid(stringhere,index of character you want,1)


    mid(Text, Index, Length)

    your Text is your number in string form, the Index is what digit you want and the Length is 1 since you just want that 1 digit

  • ok

    apparently c2 doesn't allow very large numbers, because it kept rounding when I'd use a number global instead of text and convert it to a string.

    so first we set our global text variable to the number

    the we do a loop from 1 to len(number)/3

    len(number) is the length of the string,(called "number") as in, how many characters in the string divided by 3, because we want it in chunks of 3 for the comma


    then we have mid(number,len(number)-loopindex*3,3)&((loopindex>1)?",":"")&text.text

    this we will break down piece by piece, first we have:

    mid(Text, Index, Length)

    this will get you a substring of Text, beginning at character Index, for Length characters, so if you did

    mid("This string here", 3, 7)

    you would get

    "s strin"

    you started at the index 3 in the string (0,1,2,3), and took 7 letters with you

    so we have


    our string is called "number" (to avoid confusion)

    number = "495825542"

    so we have mid("495825542",len("495825542")-loopindex*3,3)

    len(number) returns the number of letters in the string

    in this case 9, remember this parameter we're working on is the Index letter we want the substring to start on (   mid(Text, Index, Length) )

    so len("495825542") has 9 letters, so in this case it equals 9

    now we have


    loopindex*3 will start us on multiples of 3, but since we are minusing from 9 it will go from right to left:


    9-(1*3) = 6

    so we start on index 6 of "495825542"

    so we're on the last digit '5'


    and we are taking 3 characters "542"

    next loopindex would be:

    9-(2*3) = 3

    so "495(8)25542"

    and we take those 3 characters "825"


    we go from right to left, because if we have a number that's not divisible by 3, we don't want to have this


    instead of


    but the entire expression was:


    so we have the mid() out of the way

    then we have &((loopindex>1)?",":"")

    this is a conditional operator:

    condition?if true:if false

    for instance if you did


    that expression would evaluate to "true" because the condition was true

    if you did


    if would evaluate to "bad" because 5 is not less than 4

    in our expression:


    we check if loopindex is equal to 1 and if it is not we add a "," to our string, and if it is we add "" (nothing) to our string

    this is because once again we are working from right to left, and we don't want our numbers looking like this:

    100,000,   (with the extra comma at the end)

    instead of just


    one more look at our expression:


    at the end we have &text.text

    since we are doing the right side first we can't append to the end of the string

    we have to add to the beginning, so we are getting our three numbers &text.text to add what we already have to the right side of our our current expression

    after all that is over

    we do:


    to add the dollarsign to the left of our current text

    make sense?

    EDIT: i just tested this with nondivisible by 3 numberlengths and it did not work correctly. so I reuploaded and it has one extra step:

    if (len(number)%3>0)

    % operator gives the remainder of a division problem

    like 9%3=0 because 9/3=3 with no remainder

    8%3=2 because 8/3=2 r2 (a remainder of two)

    so we want to know if the number of digits is divisible by 3

    if it is, there is no remainder, we don't want an extra comma in there, so we skip this step, if it is greater than 0 there are some digits leftover, but less than three, actually there are exactly len(number)%3 digits left over so we :

    set text to:


    left is like mid but from the left side of the string

    left(Text, Count)

    so our Text is number

    and the number of characters we want(Count) is len(number)%3 because that's how many characters are leftover after our clever little *3 loop.

    then we add our "," and connect it to the rest of our number


    let me know if you need me to deconstruct it

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  • the way it worked for cc, and I assume this will probably continue is that third party plugins will remain 3rd party plugins. this was for the free construct, so I'd imagine there'd be additional issues to consider now, but no real benefit. I mean, you just copy them to the folder if you want them, aside from that and whether you trust the third party to develop stable plugins, what difference would it really make?

  • ok

    update. if I remove the line from the previous post it doesn't crash. but I really need to be able to generate a collision mask.

    while I wait for a reply, I'll try to search for some releasecollision mask or increment of that. thanks for your help so far though

    I'll post back if I figure it out before you do

    edit: also removed the increment texture thing and works the same, no crash unless I try to generate a collision mask:

    localTex = (TextureHandle)param;




    this works fine with no crashes

  • thank you rojo

    just recently changed something I can't seem to undo that made the problem worse. but when I debug.

    it seems to set the textures fine one time, for a new object,

    this is basically a modified sprite object that has localTex used for rendering instead of info.currenttexture

    also I just added the line at the top to increment reference. Not sure if that's how it's supposed to be done

    but it crashes on the highlighted line:

  • i construct each instance of the same sprite uses the same texturehandle. in the current plug I'm developing, if I have more than one object getting it's texture from the same handle, it crashes? any idea why? I'll try looking through the runtime code to figure out how sprite pulls it off, but any help would be appreciated.

    I can't see why, but I'm fairly certain it's the problem. basically I have a line of code that copies the texture to a new handle each time a new object will use it. if i remove that code and make them both refer to the same handle it crashes

    also, if it helps with the answer, the objects need to load an unknown amount of new textures off of disk at runtime, and share them amongst eachother

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    stuck here, I have no idea how one could get up to the door.

    as far as criticism. I always go for honest, so don't think I'm trying to be mean. I think for this to work, the levels must be very well designed. the first level I barely need the gameplay mechanic at all, but theres walls everywhere that let me do it. instead of feeling like i was solving a puzzle, i felt like I had no_clip on and i could just cheat for the fun of wandering through the walls.

    also having "press r to retry" pop up, or just restarting me automatically when I fall off the world would be good.

    I don't know too much about level design, but it's really missing that. like in braid, it wasn't just the fact you could rewind time. it was intricate puzzles that needed to be done just right where when you did finish, you were pleased with yourself and the level designer. same for many world of goo levels, and echochrome for ps3.

    right now this game is just twitch type gameplay where I see if I can jump and press the boundary switch fast enough to jump into the ceiling if i fall where I didn't want to. it just feels kinda glitchy

    hope I wasn't too harsh. good that you plan to stick with it though, sorry i can't help on the level design front. don't know how they do it, just know a good one when I play it

  • This looks great... I just bought the pro version. I'm looking forward to this one!

    Okay lucid, you do have me convinced! I just bought Spriter Pro. Can't wait for the updated version and the Construct plugins of course!

    Sounds promising.

    Secured myself a Pro copy and looking forward to the C2 integration!

    thank you for your purchases!

    It's shaping very nicely lucid. I'm really impressed with the transformation to the new interface. Remeber long time ago, when i was playing with it first time, and must say that I found Spriter very hard do use that day. Didn't got much time to learn so i gave up on it.

    But looking at it now I definitely want to spend more time using it.

    thank you. it will probably change alot between now and the release, as I have already recieved many suggestions in chat, and will be posting and asking opinions as well.

    You did amazing job! About adding new features, I would love to see one in it, something that could help both beginners and pro - procedural walk cycle animation generator, with fully customizable parameters.

    Adding that will make Spriter perfect, no.. ultimate tool for sprite animators! :)

    I'm talking distant future here. I want it to be perfect for what it does now before I even start on things like this. But I have a bit of experience and code i can reuse dealing with procedural animation. and I would eventually like to add many procedural animation features. Don't let this affect your purchase decision though, as I said distant future, if and when Spriter has established itself, and I can work on it fulltime.

    two questions:

    - can you tell at this stage of development what differences will be between lite and pro versions?

    - what features will be available in cooperation with C2

    as of now:

    Main Features

    ? Scale and rotate any image in a frame.

    ? Alpha support as well as add and subtract modes per image per frame.

    ? Trigger and preview up to 4 separate sound samples with volume control per frame.

    ? Easily design ?character maps? for visual variations of characters using extremely little extra data.

    ? Full Undo and Redo

    ? Create ?Characters? which are sets of animations AND variables, with default values which can be triggered to change at any animation frame (Pro version only).

    ? Place unlimited, named ?action points? per frame (Pro version only).

    ? Place unlimited, named, AND valued collision rectangles per frame (Pro version only).

    I'm curious cause it's going to be in a form of a plugin, right?

    It's gonna be like an object on the layout with external editor? or more like option in the Image editor?

    the editor is a separate exe. the format it saves to will have soon have plugins for Multimedia Fusion 2, and Torque, and of course construct. Other future plug-ins planned or in early development for Unity 3D, Dark Basic, Game Maker.

    C2, you say?

    I'm sold!

    Any chance of portable install in the future?

    we are going to look into the feasibility of an HTML5 version in the future, based off of what we learn as we make this one.

    Gotta say the new UI (well, what you can see anyway =P ) looks slick, and way more user friendly.

    I've given the Lite version a go and I have some thoughts/suggestions.

    One feature that this tool will need is onion skinning. Especially if you want it to be competitive when compared to other software.

    After trying it out, the way the program currently handles Z ordering is clunky. In fact, if you do not check the pdf's or the shortcuts option in help, you will likely not even know it's there. I'd suggest adding a tree view of the Z order, and buttons in the ui for moving the selected item(s) one step back/forward, and for moving to the back/front completely.

    I can't comment on action points/collision rectangles since they're not available in the Lite version. Though those (especially collision rectangles) are the features that I'm really interested in.

    Hope you can make this product the best it can be.

    Edit: Motion tweeing is probably good to add as an option too.

    onion skinning is planned. and while I don't have a time estimate, I will confirm now that motion tweening is definitely a planned feature, not just something we're considering. zordering will most likely have ui buttons as you say as well as shortcut keys. While there will definitely be a way of viewing the sprites in a treelist by the time the full version is out, I would like to try for a tree as you said, but with dragndroppable entries, preferably so as you're hovering or dragging - the part it refers to glows on the character so you can easily discern which you're changing

  • When will it be fully available?

    The goal is to have a beta version with all features available before December.

  • so, as promised, but a few days late, spriter updated vid

    and spriter updated version:


    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    all current pro users get to alpha test until beta release. so if you buy today, you get the latest versions until beta release.

    in other news, I've quit my dayjob, and I'll be working fulltime for the next half a year or so on mostly spriter, and projects using spriter, so development should be picking up quite a bit.

    please ask questions and make suggestions

    for current users, just return the workflowy for the link to the latestalpha

    aside from bugfixes and some optimizations. the main new addition since last week is the adjustable pivotpoints. press h to change the pivotpoint of an image. this will apply to all instances of this image. you can also do this to multiselections as well, so you can adjust the axis of rotation for a group of selected images as well

    <font size="1">Hello Construct community,

         I have recently joined forces with Brashmonkey, to develop the plugin for Construct Classic that will allow you to load Spriter files into your games. (Spriter homepage) Development is nearly complete, and you can expect to move your huge and insanely detailed multisprite creations just as easily as you would a standard construct sprite.   


         I've taken over as lead developer of Spriter, leaving Holymonkey free to make example files, tutorial videos, and entire game art packs in Spriter format which will allow indie game developers to jump right into making games. And thanks to the flexibility of the format, artists can easily replace images and alter animations to make entirely new creations.

          But there is also much bigger news. Spriter will be coming to C2 next for use in your HTML5 games, so you can create high quality 2d games that run on any platform with a modern browser.

         And the biggest news we have is that Spriter is being completely redesigned from the ground up to make it as intuitive and fun to use as possible. Quite simply, we want it to be the ultimate tool for creating multisprite animation for real time games. Development is just beginning, here's what we've got so far:


         We will be keeping you updated with the latest ui tweaks and new features, and taking your suggestions and criticisms from the very beginning. We are committed to making Spriter the industry standard format for multisprite animation. Tell us what you want or need to get you excited about using Spriter. Motion tweening? Docking UI elements? We're open to everything.

        </font>edited><editid>lucid</editid><editdate>2011-11-10 06:14:57</editdate></edited>

  • Your plugin is still coming for Classic? Spriter free/pro and your plugin can still be used with Classic? Also will your plugin be released on your initial time frame or is it going to be pushed back until the ground up rebuild is done?

    The current near finished plug will work for classic. All the functionality is there. What's left is icing on the cake. The cc plugin and the new rebuilt Spriter use a new file format, designed to be smaller, and more flexible so we can add new features easily without 3rd party plugins for other engines (such as unity) requiring immediate upgrades to continue working.   We have a 3rd party writing a file converter to convert current spriter files to the new format. This should be done within the next month, at which point the cc plugin will be released. The c2 plugin will come after the new editor is complete, at which point in can be released with whatever the full feature set of the cc plug is at that time.

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