I was wondering if it would be possible to introduce primitives - simple geometric objects such as circle, triangle, square etc. through DX9?
Basically a feature that would draw the shape as per the supplied instructions (equation, vectors), which would also be compared in the game for collision purposes. So instead of checking for pixels, you check the actual equation that is used to draw the geometric structure. These primitives would also be scaleable - since you're drawing per vector instructions, it would always remain sharp.
I have little to no clue about programming, DX9 and stuff, so I am wondering if this would be possible. See, all graphics currently are redrawn each frame by reading the supplied texture pixel-by-pixel. What if instead it would draw directly, following supplied instructions? Isn't that what shader effects currently do - alter the texture per instructions?
Be nice to be able to draw simple geometric shapes and benefit from perfect collision checking!