Ziggums's Recent Forum Activity

  • Turning off the transparency removed the "clone" images, but it comes out with another problem..the 3d models do not show up at all when i turn off transparency. Changing the mode to "inside" fixes both of the problems...but turns the image upside-down. Should i send the .Capx trough P.M.?

  • I've been trying to use the q3d plugin as a background for a mostly 2d game(i mean just the background, the tiles, player, etc... are all 2d), but when i do, i get this:

    I have no idea what is causing this, so help would be appreciated greatly.

  • Dont know how doable it is, but perhaps adding to the editor rep in the debug tab, alongside Wire and shaded, "Sprite/texture", to at the very least make each object recognizable. Although it would certainly help to make the textures for the 3d model and the ones that represent it in the editor be different(although i have no idea how feasible that is).

  • Is there a way to turn the image in the objects tab represent the actual object in the layout editor(or classify them into more recognizable colors/shapes)? it gets confusing to just see transparent untextured grey blocks after awhile of making complex layouts.

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  • I understood that i cant see the full model; but im not quite sure i understood the rest. If i were to make a slope for a 2.5d platformer; would i get a 2d image of the slope, or a box? None of the examples in the folder exacly confirm or deny this.

    also, asuming the plugin gets a cersion to C3, will people who purchased it for C2 get it as well?

    thanks in advance.

  • Question: Does this suport seeing the models /inside/ the editor? Like for example, if i were to make a 3d terrain object as a slope in a 2d plain; would i just see the box, or the full object? Or a simpler version of the object?

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Member since 14 Mar, 2015

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