Hi. I am using familes and containers to glue objects and character in my game. I have two families for now: cBase and cSprite, one for collision and others calcs and the other the sprite itself. Here how it looks.
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/472186/Construct/Forums/Irudiak/containerPicking1.png">
Actually works well. But if there are many sprites in screen, and there is only one character moving, it is a waste of performance to move all sprites to their own base. So what I want is move sprites if only the base is moving. I have done this, but it does not work, because it picks all sprites in the escene. I have tried using For each loops too.
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/472186/Construct/Forums/Irudiak/containerPicking2.png">