If I correctly understand your first post
you can click on button or the sprite and every time when current "action" associated whit that object finish (click on button, sprite fade finish) it will trigger the same events for "game over".
not a best example, but you'll get the point.
You can put that code into separate event sheet and then use "include event sheets" to insert it do different event sheets, groups, sub-events...
Agree with that.
There's an issue with family object containing sprites with Global turned on.
On layout 1 click on sprite - instance is destroyed and text with objectcount will properly subtract 1.
Now the issue:
Objectcount will show proper value (subtract destroyed sprite), but sprite will be still visible. You have to switch layouts to make it go away.
C2 r99 Win7 64
Unfortunately there's no way to do that. Spawn/create object by it's name would be a nice addition to C2, but won't happen any time soon due to minify script on export.
As I understand it, you are all meaning adding a layer to all layouts simultaneously.
Not really. In CC it was called "Inheritance Layer".
It's a normal layer, can put anything on that with one difference, it can be called from any layout in the project.
All you have to do is set up one layer in one layout and it will be accessible from any other layout.
I had this one two days ago. It happened when using C2 I accidently run some game from start menu. Game went full screen and changed my screen resolution. After closing the game i had this "thing".
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
As i managed to do that i though i implement it into a simple adventure game...well not a game, one room demo
I' cannot give you my capx now, cause i'm out of town and can't get to my pc :/
remind me on monday and i will post it
You can choose to Text when creating Global Variables, is this what you want?
Edit: Oh you meant variable "names" no values, my bet.
quick idea
What about setting text variable ie:
Global variable: spawn_order = "blue,red,grey,white"
and then using TokenAt you could separate and specify which one will spawn first, second, third...
Ok, I just solve that problem.
"Global layer" would be more appropriated term i think, but i agree with that.
Member since 21 Nov, 2008