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  • Yes, Construct2 only creates HTML5, so it has a "desktop wrapper" that includes the HTML5 engine.

    Here was the update it was introduced:

    Hearing that... kinda makes me wanna stick to Construct 1. I have no interest in a web browser format.

  • Export using Node-Webkit. It can create the executable.

    Well, I... can't try it out for myself, it seems, but I guess I'll believe it works the way it does in Construct 1. I'm wondering why it says "WebKit", though. Is it creating a .exe file that emulates a web browser game? Is that why the only way to preview a game is through the web browser?

  • For one, is there any way of converting a Construct 1 project to Construct 2, or would I have to do it all over again from scratch?

    And two, can you make a regular PC game with it? Like, just a regular PC game like all the other games? I just ask because I just downloaded Construct 2 just now, and for Exporting a project, it seems the only options are a Windows 8-specific program, web browser, or a bunch of smartphones. I have no interest in any of these. Is it possible to make just a regular PC game, like C1 could do?

  • > Um... I've made tons of .exe files, and never had that happen when the layout object was created. o_O

    But let me ask you this: how many layouts did your projects have? And, were they full games?

    Um, 12.

    Game Start-Up - This is just where I store global objects so that there's no chance of accidentally creating more than one. Stuff that'll never have a need to be destroyed, like AudioX objects, or the MouseKeyboard object.

    Title Screen

    File Select

    Pause Menu

    Message Box

    World Map

    Test Level 1

    Test Level 2

    Experiment Lab - This used to be the old "test level".

    Storage Room - This is where I keep things that won't have to appear until they're called or created, like player objects, the modal layout object, etc. I noticed that if THIS layout is EVER played, the project crashes. So I just avoid it and keep it to hold all the objects that only need to appear when they need to. An "origin" room, if you will. It's also where the HUD originates as well, with all other HUD layers inheriting this original one.

    Paused - This used to be the old pause thingy. Just an experiment, really.

    Lose Life - And this is so I can reload a level if a player dies. Having "Restart Layout" from the system event doesn't really reload a level from scratch. It's a bit glitchy. So when a player's health = 0, subtract 1 from 'Lives', and go to layout 'Lose Life'." On start of layout, it's set to take you to a layout depending on what the global variable 'Stage' is.

    ask because all of mine had at least 6 layouts and a few were full games. I even had one where I asked for help on how to fix it and our best and brightest told me the object is broken and was going to require a fix that wasn't in the plans for further development.

    I... Really? That worries me now... ;_;

    ny chance you have a file showing how you're using the object? If you're doing something to avoid the break it would be really beneficial for everybody who's had a problem to see it.

    I... don't think I'm doing anything special, really... And I can post a .cap, but it'd probably be a hugely disorganized mess to anyone else but me. But if you want, I could. ^^;

  • Unless the layout object has been fixed since 1.2 (and I'm not aware that it has) it's still broken, and it will break your game when you make an .exe. It always works fine in the .cap, but it breaks when you export your game.

    I love the layout object and I wish something could've been done about it because it has so many great uses, but those are the breaks.

    Um... I've made tons of .exe files, and never had that happen when the layout object was created. o_O

    ::tries this out::

    ::notices player object freezes in mid-air::

    ::goes back, sets events to enable and disable the platform behavior::

    ::disables behavior, player object freezes again... enables behavior, player object resumes without any problem::

    ::goes back combines with "pause animation" and "resume animation"::

    ::now the player object looks like its being frozen in mid-air and mid-run while the enemies keep moving around... and then resumes sliding from deceleration upon being unfrozen::

    Oh my god... o_o That's awesome. I wonder if I could implement this. I had no idea about this. And seeing the other enemies moving around the player while it looks like it's "frozen in time" gives me a great idea for a boss or something that can stop time, maybe. Or freeze the player in a chunk of ice.

    But if I apply this to EVERYTHING, this MIGHT work... This might allow me to use a non-modal layout object.

    It helps that I'm already using a true/false global variable for "Pause". I COULD incorporate that into a custom-made "pausing" or "freezing" or "time scale = 0"-like event.

    For example, "If 'Pause' = 1, disable enemy platform behavior, bullet behavior (maybe? If that works?), player behavior, pause enemy animation, pause player animation, etc.... else, enable enemy platform behavior, enemy animation, etc."

    Unfortunately, it means I'd have to manually set EVERYTHING to stop or freeze if the game is in a state of "pause". If I have a time bomb for example, I'll have to do something like, "If 'Pause' = 0 + every tick, subtract 1 from 'Timer'."

  • I'm using a pause menu, which I've created thanks to a layout object. Press "Pause", and a layout object is created, displaying a different layout on which I've made the pause menu. And it helps that if it's set to "modal", it freezes everything else behind it, but everything happening in itself still carries on like normal.

    I've started to try and use the InputSystem object, since I've always wanted customizable controls, and the ability to use a PC controller.

    However, InputSystem has quite a few glitchy things, and since it's been a year since its last update, I doubt it's being worked on anymore.

    Problem 1: InputSystem doesn't work with modal layout objects.

    Let's say I have InputSystem on level 1.

    Player presses "Pause".

    Modal layout object pops up.

    Layout object doesn't detect InputSystem object.

    This happens even when "InputSystem" is a global object.

    A global Mouse and Keyboard object could be detected by a modal layout object. So it must be some problem with InputSystem.


    Copy and paste a non-global InputSystem object to modal layout object.

    This actually does seem to work, and an InputSystem object in the layout object itself can be used.

    This solution, however, leads to...

    Problem 2:

    InputSystem is the only object I've found that lags up an app while loading.

    Player presses "Pause".

    Game freezes up for half-a-second.

    Player object and enemies seemed to have moved within that half-second of lag, and the modal layout object is displayed.

    I don't really want any lag while pausing, and certainly not lag where the player object is still moving, pauses, and is going to appear somewhere else in the middle of moving.


    Uncheck "modal" on the layout object.

    With this, I don't need any global InputSystem object or anything. The pause menu in the layout object DOES respond. With no need for an InputSystem in the pause layout (since a modal layout object needs one), there's no InputSystem to load upon creating the layout object.

    This however, leads to another predictable problem:

    everything behind the layout object is still going on. Player object animation and movement, enemies, everything. Not much of a pause menu if it doesn't pause.

    And I can't just set time scale to 0, because that affects the modal layout object, as well.

    What I want to know:

    1) Would it be possible to fix InputSystem so that it loads seamlessly, like everything else? Even when I was using Mouse and Keyboard, it loaded instantly. No lag. I doubt this is possible since the creator seems to have kinda forgotten about this.

    2) Is it possible to have timescale affect different things? Is it possible to have timescale freeze a single layer, or certain type of object? Is it possible to have timescale freeze the level layout and still have the timescale for the pause menu layout object remain normal somehow? If not, I suspect I'll have to try and create my own unique pause. (If player presses "Pause", stop enemy movement, enemy animation, stop bullet movement, stop player movement, etc...)

  • Considering my first post, no. ^_~ But I am tempted to do that, just to have a more "regular" resolution.

    I actually got this from taking the PSP's screen resolution, and multiplying it by 1.5. 480x272. Interestingly, the Vita would later come out, and have a resolution that exactly doubled the PSP's: 960x544. So my project's resolution now fits right in-between those two.

    And I wouldn't mind having an option for fullscreen mode, if it could handle it without breaking. ;_;

  • Um... None of those, really. ^^; I'm making this with Classic Construct.

    And, yeah, you see the window size of that pause screen, the location of the options, and that help window? I've had to rearrange and resize all that more than once because I changed my mind too. ^_~

    And I kinda want a 16:9 resolution. ^^;; I've always liked that over 4:3 if given the choice.

  • Right now, I have the project at 720x408. Would this be an acceptable size? I'm just wondering if some people might want it bigger, or smaller, or something else. Here's an idea of what it looks like:

    720x408 is pretty close to the widescreen resolution of 720x480. Should I change it to that, or this good enough as it is? Should I have a different aspect ratio? Different anything? Is it weird somehow? Or is this fine, and leave it be?

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  • Here's a screenshot of my game.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    And here's another piece of decoration I plan on throwing into the stage.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Should I use tile background or sprite object for that thing? Which is better for processing and video and RAM and all that?

  • I had an event... and a sub-event under that... and an else condition under that sub-event. Now, I didn't have the else condition as a sub-event, it was directly under the first sub-event. But I created another sub-event under the else condition, with a Wait object, and now the whole string of events is glitched up. I can't operate my game properly unless I delete the whole thing. Somehow, having a sub-event under an else condition, using a Wait object will screw up Construct.

  • Also once you have a good solid game graphics guys will be happy to do the art for you to be part of the project.

    Tips his hat to Wastrel. Thank you

    Yes yes yes, that's very nice and all, but it seems I wasn't clear enough in my second post.

    First-off, it's something else to work on while figuring out exactly how I want my battle system to work. Becaaauuuse...

    ..I can't make up my mind on how to get that going.

    And at the very least, seeing some gameplay videos of other battle systems in games matching what I'm going for might give me some ideas or inspiration for what to do in my own.

    esides, seeing some other examples might help give me an idea for that.

    Also, I'd like to work on SOME of the animation and battle system hand-in-hand. At least some rough idea, so I know what size and shape to make the collision boxes.

    Besides, like I said, this is just something to work on in the meantime. And this thread wasn't about asking anyone to do art for me, either...

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