[quote:qlg2wfe2]As for bugs i have noticed a few already since i started using it. Things like crashes after reaching a certain particle amount (i think about 3500), the odd crash after previewing examples and lots of error messages when closing the app. Some things like the particle crash could easily be worked around by doing some testing and limiting the max amount.
This kind of illustrates a point I would make.
[quote:qlg2wfe2]4. While checking the RTS behavior (of which I am very fond) I discovered that some of the sprites - when they reach the target destination - do not stop moving; instead, they start rotating around it at great speed. This is quite unacceptable if it happens on a public release. Are there any more of this type of bugs?
The particles, and rts behaviors aren't exactly bugs. More like an unexpected behavior.
The devs could change them for ease of use, but in doing so that might limit their use for someone else.