No, but you can simulate what it would be like to work in Stencyl while working in C2.
Simply stab yourself with a bent paper clip every time you add something new to C2.
Yes, but you have to get a mod to move this to a correct sub forum.
The repeating textures of your tiled background forms lines because it follows a regular pattern, like the same color pixel at every 10th position on the x axis.
To deal with this make the texture larger, and more random.
Or rotate the texture so that it doesn't match up with the horizontal, or vertical lines of a monitor.
Whats the difference between 2 && 3 ??
2-3 =-1
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Can't timeout if timescale is zero.
How high is he?
I dunno, try and see I guess.
Events run pretty fast.
I would just add a variable as a filter
on collision
->variable collisioncount<1, add 1 to collisioncount , do foo
... reset collisioncount next tick
Which one?
Check the how do I section
Scrolling / Camera should be a good start
Yeah, there's dozens of ways, all do it differently.
That's why there is no official plug.
I would suggest studying different apps and find an example that you want to replicate.
You can then ask the forum what the best way to do that is.
I would say don't use dt.
Member since 12 Nov, 2008