I hate wow not only because you have to pay to play it but you also have to pay to buy the games. So they are telling me that if I want to play a game i paid 50 dollars for I have to give them 15 bucks a month. Not to mention I have other personal reasons for hating it. First of which (and I am not kidding) My girlfriend left me for a guy she meant on Wow. We had been dating over a year and left me for a guy across the country. This was like a kick in the balls. Second I have lost other friends to it they start playing and just never stop. Third it almost got me fired from a job because A customer caught my manage playing on his laptop at work and he tried to say I was playing it even though I was off that day.
So yeah **** WoW. I hope every goddamn server blows up in a fiery fire of hellish destruction to the point that blizzard would go bankrupt trying to rebuild the world(of warcraft)