Went to see Interstellar last night, and it was so boring, that I not only rushed out of the cinema when the first credits rolled, but also go to so depressed I had to buy myself bottle of wine and drink it all. I should have asked for a redound. There was a lot of people on that evening screening, and my god almost all of them where bored too! They would be yawning, talking, checking time on their phones, looking around the cinema. With exception of some visuals, which where nice, this movie is absolute trash, with it's chopped up and nonsensical story. And the messages I've got from it were really inconsistent. First with ***** the earth and leave" with this one having its half conclusion mid-film, with the scene on the frozen planet, where Mat said that he was not expecting that the earth might be actually so unique, which was cool, but then the earth go shafted anyway, and they ended up living on halo. It is very troubling to me because philosophy in movies is a reflection of a global view most of the time. And having a view like this, on our beautiful planet is hurting. We should explore the space but trough that exploration we should make our own home a healthy place, which it once was.