I have some objects set to a certain z height, how would I go about getting something like particles to show at that same x,y,and z?
Is there a formula for doing that, or perhaps it should be done via another layer set to a different scroll rate?
well the easy way would be, create your own particle spawner. the math for scaling and movement to attach a non sprite to an object which is free in all dimensions is really complicated to tweak just right, and i don't really see the advantage of using a fake transformation of the particle object that'll look strange and out of place in your true 3d world. not to mention if youre setting the scroll and zoom settings for a layer to control one object, you wont be able to make any others ones, so youre stuck with one particle object. using sprites to make all your paritcles would allow
-multiple spawning sources
-its easier
-your particles can travel through all dimensions instead of just one.