one thing i really hate about making 3d games, is you cant be a one man band, its just too time consuming, 2d games allow a game maker to lay down what they want get it too work, and wont take 20 yrs to look finished (texturing is a pain in the arse)
also i dont know if some1s said this yet, but triggers are events! events are real powerful but most ppl forget that there order matters, and that causes problems. dont think of construct as a box, you can make any game you want and aren't limited by the program, even when you get into complex things you'll realise their easily adapted with a bit of thought (although this isnt good for my school work because now i think of everything as events )
and avi would suck for a ingame objects, it looses quality and looks washed out. reneder your looping textures as a set of BMPs or PNGs, theyll look nicer that way (if they are based off a 3d model, if its a vid you got off the internet dont use it at all).