cute art, good luck
capx works...but the square (with text) works only when the user click on the collision polygon... as R0j0hound has notified, the collision polygon is a bit weird... set collision polygon as bounding box and the square works all the time
Edit: it seems I'm too slow
because the Construct 2 Splash screen was added after the tutorial ^^
In summary, You want to make a follower. and some other thread on the forum could help
system set rotarzl = 0
system set rotarDer = 0
because if you add 0 to your variables, your variable still = 1 and your layout still rotates
project properties -> configuration settings -> loader style -> nothing(or what you want instead of "construct 2 splash")
two future interesants plugins (to use or to create)
also nice art ^^
But I admit that at first I thought of a calculation for node point for sprites path and a new plugin
Could be usefull for custom pathfinding (maybe for RTS)
on event #1 1st action
on event #3 1st and 3rd action
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Thanks for your proposal.
For the moment, I just need free time in order to work on it (and to test it)
As you can see in my previous post, I already have a good base to work.
Member since 3 Mar, 2015