AlexiaWay's Recent Forum Activity

  • So here's my way, to create different kinds of enemies on select random positions.

    I phot it will be handy, if you didn't already know.


    Have a nice and creative day (◠‿‿◠)

  • Thank you, you see I'm 95% word blind. And it's hard to make my program read everything.

    A To be honest I didn't know that function existed, but now I do.

    So thank you danuyos

  • Hello I made something where is spawning randomly placed Enemies.

    But Then I realized I needed Terrain objects. So, that didn't work.

    So in other Terms I need. To pick a randomly object by, UID Or IID.

    I'm using: system / create objects / I select the object to create: enemy/

    then I need to put it somewhere, I made a object where Enemies should Spohn.

    That is where the problem comes, it's picking the one with the lowest UID or IID.

    Not quite random.

    So if you know some solutions, it would be nice if you, posts a construct2 example,

    or a, image, so I can understand.

    And if you don't no a solution. Well, Have a nice and creative day. (◠‿‿◠)


    Note: I have to full version of construct2, it just said Account could not found, so I made a new account.

  • I'd suggest taking a look at my , as well.

    If you install the plugin, I highly suggest you study the included example before asking any questions -- a lot of what you'll need to know will be in there.

    Oh my, I, i don't know what to say, other then.


    It was just what I was looking for, but. (-??O)

    One problem, or question.

    You see I'm simulating something

    Approximately 200 tanks, and they are program to kill each other.

    They are spawned on a platform, that is placed random Around the level.

    So how do I make the camera, follow and see them all.

    They all the same object.

    A they don't have a unique UID.

  • Hello I will you want to know how to make a Camera follow, multiple objects.

    I know you could put a: scroll to.add

    But when all the objects are to the left, the objects to the right, disappears, or go off scream

    So I think I need to customize it, but I really want some creative help.

    So if you know some solutions, it would be nice if you, posts a construct2 example,

    or a, image, so I can understand.

    And if you don't no a solution. Well, Have a nice and creative day. (◠‿‿◠)


    Note: I have to full version of construct2, it just said Account could not found, so I made a new account.

  • Hello, I will you want to know different ways to: Zoom in

    I know to gently follow a object, But I'll also be nice if I could zoom in to it, and do it smoothly.

    And it doesn't need to be an object, I also want to know how you do it with the scale.

    It also be nice if it object could zoom in to another object but, maybe that's just the same event.

    So if you know some solutions, it would be nice if you, posts a construct2 example,

    or a, image, so I can understand.

    And if you don't no a solution. Well, Have a nice and creative day (◠‿‿◠)


    Note: I have to full version of construct2, it just said Account could not found, so I made a new account.

  • If you want to learn how to do, there is a guy who posted a List.

    Go to forums.

    Then click on search.

    And you will type:► [How do I]Frequently asked questions

    then press search.

    He's name is Kyatric,

    And he made a handy list, of different peoples questions, and solutions to it

    Hope this helps, have a creative day


    You fix it by doing this▼

  • isn't there a way to have, multiple events sheets in one layout.

    Or you say: events sheet, work on all layouts.

    Or is that too demanding

  • Wow, I'm proud to say I got it to work. (─‿‿─)

    So Thank Jobel. If you didn't show me, turret_manual_acq. I would probably have given up, (╥‿╥) and work on my RPG instead.

    So thank you, and may you have a nice and creative day (◠‿‿◠)

  • Don't worry, give it some time, people will type on this page, if they no the solution. (>‿‿O)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Don't worry, give it some time, people will type on this page, if they know the solution.

    I put my solutions down below, sorry to say they don't work, but they show you it's a common issue.

    I will also say if something moved, that fast. It will probably have some problems.

    Because it's actually following the Player, is not, glued to the screen.

    That is what I think

  • I can't tell from that snippet what you are trying to do...

    Me either, anymore. I'm trying something with the construct 2 file you sent me.

    Trying to make it detects the object it sees, then before he chooses the Target, it deletes its own target it has on it self, so it doesn't detect itself, then when it's chooses at Target, it will turn on its target self again, so that on the tanks can choose it's target. Then when the tanks target is out of sight, it will do dissimilation over again, then it should choose a target near it, then we start over again.

    I don't know if you understand that, but it's suddenly become complicated.

    I just wished when they made the Turret function.

    If we say someone choose the same object, as the one moving around us is Target.

    It will not pick it self, moving at angle, as a Target

    Help me construct 2 gods. if I don't make this work I'm working on now.

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Member since 3 Mar, 2015

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