Yet again, thanks for your response..
I wrote a small standalone example CAP to show an example - , but it didnt happen in that - Then I noticed in the game I am working on, that once the main game loop was disabled (via my pause function) the laggyness was virtually eliminated.
I also noticed in my game that even though the PIN function was being called in the next event after creation, it wasn't immediately being pinned, in fact it was happening around 1 second after the object was created.
I know
Ashley mentioned that behaviours dont execute in any particular order, so I am assuming it is because of other behaviours.. ?
I don't really want to send my WIP game over as it's full of graphics, music etc - I'll have to delete a ton of stuff so I can send a small cap..
Just as a query what is the standard procedure for pinning an object, create then pin, right?? it doesn't need an every tick function or anything, I am assuming??
Thanks again..