This is still just an artficial intelligence. You should get yourself interested in Neural Networks to find out that these tasks Adam's capable of, aren't really that innovative. Of course, costs of making such instrument are large, but that's because of big memories (well... maybe not so big, probably 0.000001% of brains memory capacity ^^) needed to handle simple tasks.
Neural Network means a lot of math and it kinda looks like our neural system, but it's simplified. To very accurately simulate single real neuron's work, you'd have to evaluate thousands of differentional equations. Simulation on rat's brain is possible for supercomputers just for few seconds. We're nowhere near to making any real intelligence.
If people were given such motoric abilities BigDog possesses, they'd also forget about falling on slippery places. But again, this stuff is "quite easy" (meaning there are at last 100 teams on Earth capable of creating it) to make an ideal model, but quite hard to get sponsors for it ^^.