Change the images in the 'Icons' folder.
Construct is designed to make it easy to create games without coding! Try the Beginner's guide for a step-by-step tutorial to help you get started.
We made the switch to WKWebView years ago. The warning is a false positive due to some old references left behind in Cordova. These should be removed, or if not they'll be removed shortly. So you can pretty much just ignore the warning, it'll go away soon.
It's impossible to help unless you share the information, such as the full text of the error messages.
It should already be fixed. Have you tried a build recently?
This change should not have affected existing projects. If it does please file a bug.
If you press F12 are there any errors in the browser console?
It should be working fine - if you think something is wrong please file an issue here:
Try setting the Sprite Font color to white. By default it filters to black.
Please file a bug following all the guidelines:
We need all that information to be able to help.
Have you tried it with r182?
There's also a known issue with Google's ad SDK so it might be related to this:
It all seems to be working just fine here. If you need help try posting to the forum with a sample project.
Yes, all documentation will be updated for changes in this release soon.
Try again now, this release took a little longer than usual to deploy.
That thread is over a year old. Any problems it may have been referring to will have long since been fixed. Construct 3 does work offline! It really does, believe it or not, actually work offline. If there is some kind of problem that prevents it working offline, please report an issue here: However as far as we are aware it is working fine offline for everybody.
Member since 21 May, 2007 Last online 10 Mar, 2025
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Wider technology issues from Ashley's perspective.