Lets take the simple example of animations. The problem with having a dropdown is if you have the object as a family, then the animations could be anything. Also, in the future we want to add the ability to change with animation 'package' a sprite uses. So just like you can have gradients with separate colours, you could have a single object like 'background tile' have different animations. So having a combo box of animation names isn't really possible
The best solution I can think of right now is having a combo box somewhere which fills up with the name of every single animation name used in the application...or in the expression wizard you could select an object and there'd be a combo box saying 'animation names' which you select and it add in the string for it.
Controls could be done...they are per application
Layer names though is a bit of a problem because you dont know which layout an event sheet could be refering to...so the only solution is to list every layer in every layout of the application....
Anyway it's something that requires some though and time...and right now is not the time coz i'm drinking woodstock