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  • I've found that sharing while using C3's preview with my laptop's browser doesn't work - mostly because I don't have any social programs installed so Windows just pops up some odd gray screen. Try C3's remote view and test it with your phone.

    The image of the code below is from a Wordle clone I built. I have it setup so it takes a screenshot then posts it to social media, it works well, but again, only on a phone or tablet where social media programs are installed.

    Hope it helps.

    Thank you, I'll try it!

  • I press button and share window appears and then disappears and nothing else happens. I use Opera browser. I've tried same thing in Firefox but there window doesn't even appear.

    Do I miss something and do it wrong way?

  • It sounds like you are having an issue getting to the file location you want to save to. "Try checking you have permission to save in the chosen location."

    Try saving to a different location. If you are saving to a folder with special permissions required you may have to re-log into your windows account or try opening the folder (search the folder and double click - not open through Construct) and see if you get an option to put in your username and password to unlock the folder.

    Folder had option "read only", I changed it and now I can save it like before.

    Another problem - I can't choose backup location on local PC. No matter what folder I choose, it shows "Local backup folder: None chosen".

  • Finally getting back to this. I'm performing the following steps:

    - add the plugin via the Addon manager

    - create a new project

    - add a CSVToArray object to the project

    - preview the project (or layout)

    Here's the issue: The project window pops up but just shows "Please wait, loading..."

    I'm guessing the plugin is no longer compatible with the latest C3 release? Would be great if someone can confirm if they're seeing the same thing on their end. I'm running R276.2 fyi.


    Rex CSVToArray uses "window" object which disabled in "Worker mode" which set by default. It's a common problem - many addons don't work in it.

    You can fix it this way - Project properties -> Advanced -> Use Worker set "no"

  • If you have all these values in Excel - does it matter how many there are? Just copy and paste them all.

    I finally found it - Array editor. Thank you.

  • I think copying and pasting values from Excel to C3 array is a better method - this way you don't have to rely on third-party addon, which may stop working with any new construct update.

    How do you do it if you need to put thousands values into array?

  • I make progress bars this way:

    - progress bar itself is tiled background - it lets to avoid stretching texture when you change its size, instead it's "revealing" texture.

    - progress bar has set starting point horizontally - left, vertically - center. So it will "grow" from left to right.

    - I create two constant variables: one for max bar width (or length) and one for max value that you bar is representing. Ex: max_bar_width = 100, max_lifes = 10.

    - then I calculate bar width:

    set bar.width = floor(current_lifes/max_lifes * max_bar_width)

    - you can show values for progress bar over it as text:

    set text = current_lifes & "/" & max_lifes.

  • I have weird problems with it. Yesterday I had no problems with saving project file locally using Opera broswer. But today it says "Try checking you have permission to save in the chosen location." Console contains message "[Project] Exception saving: Error: file write permission denied."

    I don't get how to give permission for writing file?

    I've tried Firefox browser, but there is no option to save project in local folder at all! Just cloud and option to download file.

    How to fix it?

  • Unless you are writing a lot of data (megabytes) to local storage, saving should take only a fraction of a second. So the chance that player will close the game at the exact same moment is very small.

    Thank you

  • Is there any good examples or maybe someone could say how to protect local storage from damaging?

    I don't mean I had any issues but most pc games says "don't turn game off while it saving". So I worry if I need to do something to protect player's savegames in local storage.

    What will happen if player closes my game while it was in the middle of writing in local storage? Will it stop writing and local storage will keep half of old savegame and half of new? Or it will restores previous version of local storage?

  • I'm making turn based game. There is a game field where player move objects every turn.

    Every turn I save whole game field as json in local storage.

    How to use local storage properly for saving game?

    I've noticed that loading field with chain "on exist"->"load array from JSON" works with bugs. So I've added signal after "load from JSON". And before starting old game I've added waiting for that signal.

    Now it works without any bugs.

    Should I use same "signal"-"wait signal" mechanism for saving game? So player won't be able to leave game before game field is recorded in local storage? If yes then what is the best way to do it?

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  • your "Load Game" function doesn't actually load any values from local storage. You are using the Compare Value event, but that will not have a value until after a "Get Item" or "Check Item Exists" action is performed.

    You can save values separately in local storage if you want, but you will end up with a lot of Save actions and then Get actions, and I have heard people complain that that makes their game very slow.

    You can load lots of variables into one array or dictionary and then save those all in one operation. It is ok to save several items separately, but I would try to keep that number as low as possible.

    Thank you for your answer. I'll look into it.

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