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  • Hello! I'm making game, and there will be some inventories in rpg style (bags with items?.

    I'm thinking about way how to create them. I think about 2 ways:

    - precreate inventories with all items in them (like 3 bags with 20 items in each bag) and make them invisible before player opens them.

    - create all menus with slots and items when player opens bag and destroy it when he closes bag.

    Both way have their downsides: invisible objects will be kept in memory, while creating and destroying objects every time when bag is opened or closed doesn't look good too.

    Maybe you can give me some advices, which way is better?

  • Does system calculate graphics if visible object overlap invisible? I worry about perfomance and fps. I know if one object overlap another one, system must calculate lot of graphics.

  • Thanks for your help guys. Problem was in code - end game action was activating when it shouldnt.

  • > I'm not sure will this objects be clickable if they will be invisible on separate layer (or if they will visible on invisible layer)? There is some buttons, and I don't want them to be clickable while game is not over.


    Just put these buttons in a separate layer. Turn this layer visible in your game over conditions and invisible in gameplay. Put conditions in your buttons to user click them only when layer is visible.

    Ok I get it, but I looked once again, and I think it won't solve problem. On Start action else have to reset some variables, but it doesn't happens.

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  • You likely have set those objects as global or something.

    Consider posting your capx for further examination, that will be easier to establish what's going wrong.

    No, it's not global. Maybe I'm wrong and On Start Layout action starts just once - when I first time on this layout, and after that I have to use Restart Layout action?

    It's easier you hide and show these non-game objects with a separate layer.

    I'm not sure will this objects be clickable if they will be invisible on separate layer (or if they will visible on invisible layer)? There is some buttons, and I don't want them to be clickable while game is not over.

  • On Start Of Layout action doesn't work after returning from another layout with Go To Layout action.

    On game layout I have game objects and non game objects (like high scores text and words "game over").

    On Start Of Layout event destroys all non game objects, and when game ends I create them again.

    After that I'm going to another layout and then back with Go To Layout action. But On Start event is not working this time, I see same objects that I had on the end of game: high scores text and words "game over". Why it's not destroyed? What I'm doing wrong? Before I was using Reset Global Variables, but right now I can't use it, because different variables loading from WebStorage on different layouts.

    Upd: Thanks for your help guys. Problem was in code - end game action was activating when shouldnt.

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