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  • This is just me guessing do you want something like if say the world was a cirlce and that our feet should plant itself on the ground no matter what angle viewing.

    then wasnt there like an orb gravity plugin ?

  • Well you said it yourself you have two tables so that two array. let say if Bob on selection you want to know his value. First we need to ask how are we selecting Bob. Then next how do you want to visualize his stats. For now lets start with the basic with just numbers.

    So if say you are doing Mouse over Bob, next add his name to a variable

    subevent and this will just be blank with the action setText to (,2))

    The 'Array' Is the name of the database that you want to pull the data from

    the indexof just help find a matching value in a X coor

    Pay close attention to the parenthesis for.

    Pay close attention to where variable is because where you have the variable is place is where you will usually do objectname.variable

    Its important to tell us how you visualize the end product because without a clear goal we cannot figure out what you want but that above is just an example. Try it out. Also try exploring a bit by yourself write down what you want and ask your self how in the most logical way am i going to tell myself to do these action.

  • Idk its up to you where you want to take the information. Ask me the questions now since you know how array work and how to retrieve values.

    as far as the soccer game mechanic I really have no clue to how to implement it since im more use to doing rpg turn based.

    But if i had to guess maybe something like a formula for each character such as let take movement so we know that in computer movement is done by pixel being redrawn at a pixel speed and how fast the engine take the data and give you the Frame per sec load. Id would do something like set character movement speed to the new value of its speed from an array and of course do it before the game start sort of like in the match making.

    And because power is saying how far is my kick going to drive the soccerball. this one a little tricky since in soccer there is pass the ball and driving the ball. and id make it like a charge shot. like hold down a key and it bring up a charge and when at the highest kick it in a direction in relation to you player power in the array.

    And in most older games and i mean the 1980 games the game was primary base on simply passing the ball in a direction and the character model and the ball would just be stuck to each other until you attempt to pass the ball and if an enemy player was in the way well he would get the ball.

    But that is just a guess. But remember ask a question to get information about a particular effect to achieve we have alot of information but we do not know which piece to give.

  • try piskel its not only a sprite maker but you could animate with it since it support onion tween.

    there also spriter pro if you want some dynamic bone workin

  • well with the event of xbox controller support plugin i suppose you could make it where you need controller and id those controller so that you could have one function with each different parameter calling out which controller ID ?

    I dont have the tools to test it with. But I wonder if it possible to put each player controller id into the game code and have it done by a single movement function with parameter so that its being use by the correct movement but like what others have said you may need mirrior events for them.

    Although it would be cool if say a zelda coop through a mobile app and you had a host device to project the game onto the mobile phone so that all its doing is sending and receiving packet to play the game. theory wishful thinking. but id think that would just drain the phone too fast.

  • First one is right but the 2nd one is wrong the very first X,Y coor are 0,0 and then 0,1 the 0,3 is speed. I will tell you why .

    arrays x/y is alway arranged like this

    0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3

    1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3

    2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3

    3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3

    So you can see how theres a total of 16 slot but the max X is at 3 that because all array start at 0,0.

    Example visualization

    So by this example above has a 4x3 grid of space to a total value of 12 slot

    Now go back and check what is each value and their coorindation And do please tell me what is the current width and height and depth size of this array Width. Think of it like a rubric cube. Ill give you a head start this has a depth of 1 and Now tell me why does it has a depth of 1 as well as explain your answer how you got the width and the height of this array. If you need reference in how to figure out the width and height and depth go check up array in the manual page.

    After you figure out this little homework ill show you some cool ways to not only reduce event but also a way to quickly find your value in a Callback function. As well as a build to with loops and push back.

    Also did you know that since the dawn of math, array has always been here so this isn't new. But in the world of computer and networking we start array at 0,0 while in real world life it be 1,1

  • Is that a way to pick it out from the rest if using container cause there already an event that does on object created trigger ?

  • Sound like you have pixel art blurryness due to how the game recreate/resize each shape. Um not sure how to solve this but Ive read on some other places that you would need to have several sprite pack for each zoomed sized.

    but after seeing your image I couldnt find any blurryness other then fps word so perhap it depend on the sprite you are using ?

  • Hey for the hero ? can we see at least the size of hero and the object and its collision size ? you may need to resize the collision for better looks.

    What type of bit are you using 16 or 32 cause that can make a different I know when i was making a click to it was hard so i opted out and did move to + or - 32 pixel in a direction so at least it wouldnt clip the walls

  • you sir are a genius I never knew how powerful container can be with one event yeah container solved all my problem and its picking problem.

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  • I haven't tried container and i couldn't understand how they worked.

    What is this "pokemonback" you are referring to, Are you refering to the back ground of the pokemon bar ? if so there is only one and its just purly looks and contain value for positional Y value. I dont need that to be created multiple times. lol its the smaller bar that is being recreated 6 times, and no the array party is just one for all the member, Is that wrong way to do it? and its my only source of the character party so i cant just destroy it otherwise all the gameplay would just be gone.

    And the game-play ( or least the battle part) is done with Party at the X=1. So that would break that since know id would have to recode every thing in the attack.

    Yeah i figure that by adding in the If the loopindex is equal to 5 it would at least give the new item created a chance to be referenced to when asking for the function to run ? I thought that would solve the top level ordering event at least what function were to be believed ? as in function to be treated as a call to start rather then wait to be called ? or is it the latter.

    But yeah ill look into container and get a feel on them ? question is there a limit on container ?

    Btw if you see on the create i have it set up to be perfectly X aligned with the first one and then multiplied with the Y coor so that it appear to be created down ward Ill do some tinkering but will that be affected by container or will it be auto placed where the image point on each ? Just Fyi the first one is alway on the screen for positional placement on the X coor at least. I really dont want to mess with that part.

  • Ive never learned the txt to json array but i can figure out that its just basically the same as cvs just that his plugin does it faster and there less headache. Since, his is pretty much on point in data transfer. Id would go at least take a look at it and comment about it.

    All what it does really is just make it easy to populate and visualized the end product array unless if json does the same with file type txt from excel then please do tell me how.

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