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  • why not just make one sprite with different animation and just use it in a container so that you can check a variable to auto load the correct animation.

  • you might want to look at doing your own custom progress bar. if you want something like a gradual bar with exp. this part is fairly easy just use one color bar and in the action just set the width or height to your desire place. If i remember right there a fairly easy code where you can use % to control the action of your progress bar using current data and max data point so that it flows evenly.

    the construct two progress bar is the worst and offer no flexiability. So id would just custom build your own.

  • just keep in mind when using every tick make sure that you arent using too many at once. Cause ive seen it rubberband lag me to no end when debuggin even in devoloper mode.

  • so in other word you want to have an entire array that would list all of the building ID number and their own populated civilian. To generate a community with people.

    Best way to do it is to create the array object with its own variable instance and then just number what location they are at such as this Building A is 0 building B is 1 building C is 3

    And then for the rest is Men is 0 women is 1 girl is 2 boy is 3 and money is 4

    Now for the array if you want Building B and to know what money it has you can refer the reference in where the coor are which is 1,4

    Now that we have coor finder down if you need to modify it.

    Next you will need to create a function with several parameters

    Basically use the parameter to retrieve a value from the array that you want to use now

    Do a repeat (parameter data value)

    Spawn the created object

    So in other word define on how to find the value of the array and then use that value to spawn the object. If this wasnt what you were looking for you might have to explain what you want a little better.

  • SacrilAI

    That part is what im working on atm If life doesnt get in the way i can get this done faster. But I would imagine it would just be moving data from this array to the other array with copying array row to another row slot. and then delete the "moved" slot

    Or another idea that i had was to fake it sort of like having one array for all the pokemon caught and the first 6 "caught" pokemon would be the party only and the rest would only show up on the PC inventory and from there you can move them around on a X axis or Yaxis or something crazy like that.

    But my current goal is to get a pokedex to work. But feel free to drop any mail into my Pm we can share finding.

  • try checking the master debug and click on the projectile in the object list you can see its polygon shape as it hit the target from there you can observe what is happening.

    tell us what you see it may just be a scrolling issue or perhap you are spawning projectile infront of it instead of behind it,

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  • Just something to think about I know you said about it being musical ? are you able to use the sound bit such as 5 layer of sound to create thousand of different song. I remember some of the older games couldn't load already compose music but they had to time the musical sound to where it sounded close to the music.

    If so you might need help from a music expert to see if they can recreate the music using limit sound bit and what timing they should be played ? I know it would be a bit annoying to do function and do like alot of timer and their own set of when each sound should be played but it could be worth doing it that way.

  • If you are worried about management in the event to keep control of which is what. I did find out that if you can do a function here with a call back. If you name your room to a number or a name. (at this point id keep a journal to write down which room goes where.)

    Such as this place a variable on that invisible sprite label it to the room that you want to go to. Next create an event like this if player is overlapping the sprite have the action to be call function With parameter 0 to be the sprite's variable

    Next create a function go to layout by name (function.param(0))

    now you only have one event one function and one sprite to manage thousands of rooms (layout) transition.

    Now real way of how metrovania did their game was through tileset and array loading. and pretty much only a few layout.

    Such as this when they do the scene change they had you go through a portal of some sort and they would just rebuild the room using array and ID each number to the tilemap.

    Back then they were true genius they could morph a 1 gb game down to like 20 MB due to array being able to compact data building very efficient.

    i could go on for days how they built every stupid level with arrays alone lol

  • what if you used invisible sprite like strips on the screen to indicate which layer it would be affected by ?

    like for instance if player and enemy are on the invisible sprite then they should be moved to layer 2 and if they are on that layer do some like the overlap offset ordeal.

    and dont use solid since solid wont work with screen layer. this can be used for the z order effect as well. so in other word the player moving downward would have to be moving toward the higher layer number while the player moving upward to be moving to the lower layer number.

    this is just one example or if you like to you can use something like If player is between a certain Y value let say 300 min to 600 max move him to a layer and changes when hes at 100-200.

    And use the layer as a positional / pick up

    although you would still have player clipping issue not sure how to go around that but i think the key is invisible sprites to control the layouts ?

  • Imagine if you want to attack an press spacebar on the attack selection. Now you want to select a target to hit. Now you want to pressed spacebar again to initiate an attack at the selected target.

    My problem is that you don't get to choose the selection to choose which enemy to hit. But rather it will alway choose the first enemy to hit rather then wait for a 2nd spacebar pressed. As in it uses the same spacebar press from the first call to teh next without allowing you to select the target.

    I see your example but this isn't layout change but rather a simple attack to select target. Similar to Jrpg style where you would select the attack and then you would choose the target and they would all use the same button. Im just wondering why a trigger event would keep playing even if the trigger should be only played once while true ?

    Should i do spacebar press action move to layer 2 disable group choose action and then activate group choose the enemy ? Ill try it but in the mean time could you answer to why a key press would keep firing its trigger even though it should be only played once ?

    Ok that was it just by making group disable and then reenable was it. Although it is quite puzzling to why group would have any more effect then layer visible/invisible since its the same thing as group toggle???

  • Ok so what id want to do is use the same button for key press in this case a "space bar" And Id like for this button to work for each event it calls for separately not lets loop around all 3 event that call for space press no matter how hard the 2nd condition for them because you held the space bar down for longer then 60th a sec.

    But seriously I just want to press space for every event like i press space once go to a different menu and then space go to a different menu etc and then action.

    apparently it likes to remember what key you press down instead of when you trigger that key down.

    Ive tried Boolean, layer visibility, I've tried varables, im at lost to keep the game from remember the first key stroke to allow teh next key press the user to make a choice.

    such as this do you want to attack or defend

    ok do you want to attack that goblin or that dragon

    and all using a space bar to select the action.

    the thing is i want to attack the dragon not always attacking the goblin.

  • question can this plugin deal with dynamic Ai situation based. As in if the Ai is almost dead intead of being a blood thristy attacker it should start to think about defend or using a heal from an ally or an item. as oppose to when it has 100% hp it should relie on attacking.

    And what about making it a bit smarter as in if you are weak against a particular spell it should be thinking to use that but if you fully resist it as in if it use an attack and it didnt work on you the first time drop it ? and use a different number placement?

    Because often times ive seen random number to alway choose one number and its irrating as hell like choose 1 2 3. so that 30% effective choice......1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 oh hi 3 back to 1111111. you can understand this fusteration.

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