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  • Ah ok the tilemap. Just put it on a layer that is lower. The layers bar has a hierarchy like you would see in photoshop. Put the tilemap on a lower layer and the characters on the higher layer. If you are using spawn events for the units then make sure its not spawning at layer 0 which would be the lowest and instead pick the correct layer.

    Thanks for your help and patience.

    Unfortunately, I'm still having problems, so I decided to record a one minute screen capture. My microphone isn't working, so I suggest you mute the sound before playing the video otherwise you will hear a lot of annoying static. Please see if you can spot the problem.

  • Basically yes. That is the problem. I can't even get the players and enemies to appear over the tile map

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  • Thanks for the response Lionz, but I didn't do a event sheet for the tile map. I just did a new layout. Still lost I'm afraid

  • Alright, new to the software and game design so be patient with me. I'll do my best to explain this without causing additional confusion.

    So...I'm following a YouTube tutorial. I am using the Gamelayout and eventsheet fine. I then download an asset pack for a tile background. But, I decide to add a new layout tab (page) and paint the tiles on the new layout, thinking I can combine the hero and the enemies over the painted background.

    Apparently, I'm having a hard time understanding how the layers work because I can't get them all visible on the same page, even with adding layers and moving the layers up and down AND assigning the "characters" to different layers.

    Do I have to create a new eventsheet because I added a new layout?


  • That looks interesting. Does it play like an invisible maze game?

  • That looks interesting. Does it play like an invisible maze game?

  • Btw, for anyone else wanting to look at the file. The game didn't come up in the Example page search for me. I had to Google it.

  • There is an amazing example on the Example Browser called Glokar for this type of game done by MATTHEW GRUBER Tokinsom and HENRIQUE LAZARINI 7Soul that should cover all your questions :)

    It´s really well commented and helps a lot learning and understanding C3 (At least it did for me) :)

    Thank you very much for taking the time to reply. I was starting to think nobody knew how to do it lol. The closest example I could find on the Example page was a game called Channel Shooter (or something along those lines?) It was written entirely in Javascript, so that didn't help me. It's good to see I was thinking along the right lines.

  • Please someone help me out with this problem if you can. I've looked at multiple YouTube tutorials and examples on the Construct 3 website on how to implement this. I was able to put the bullet behavior on the background which kinda worked but don't know how to make it go vertically. This is a project I'm really passionate about and could really use some assistance.



  • Technically, the plane will be traveling north, while I want the background imagery traveling south underneath it.

  • I have an idea for an old-school arcade top-down shooter similar to 1942. I am simply trying to figure out how to make a background image scroll vertically underneath the fighter jet as it fights off enemy aircraft. Can you help?



  • Son of a!!! PROBLEM SOLVED.

    I must have accidentally copied my player. There was a duplicate of him off-screen I didn't see until I resized the screen. That was the cause of the extra bullet.

    BTW. Just putting this out there, I'm sober and cogent (I swear.)

    Thank you again everyone for all your help. I feel like I wasted your time, but I did learn a lot.

    I'll catch you around the forums.


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