StarvingArtist1974's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks for your response Igor. Yes you did help me before and that was a VERY helpful reply. I'm having a harder time with this one because the player doesn't die. He just hits an invisible collision and turns around. Also most of my collisions are inconsistent with the way they interact with my character. Can you tell me how where and see how the collisions are interacting?

  • I'm making an auto run side scrolling platform game where the player bounces off the walls upon contact.

    He's hitting what appears to be a hidden wall and is bouncing off. I can't for the life off me figure out what is or how to remove it.

    How can I detect this wall and remove it?


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  • Looks really good! Can't wait to see it in action! Are you planning on doing a YouTube channel for updates? Could be a good way to promote interest.

  • My mistake


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  • I still couldn't work out the issue in the video haha but glad it's resolved

    I just figured out you're the developer of Small Saga. What is going on with the game? Is it ever going to see the light of day? I'm sincerely looking forward to playing that game.

  • Hi.

    As a fellow newcomer to construct and game development myself I can't tell you how to fix your problem (because I'm not 100% sure on how to fix it and I don't want to complicate the problem... Or I would help. :X) What I just did to help myself and suggest you look at is the downloadable "free resources" under the education tab. There's a curriculum in there for educators complete with worksheets that really goes in depth on the functions, behaviors, loops, etc. complete with examples. I learn best from reading and it may not be what your looking for, but it's a way to learn if you choose to use it.

  • Igor

    Thank you for the wonderfully thought out and helpful reply.It is really appreciated.


  • Hello

    Sorry for the vague title, but it's a lot to explain. I'm working on a long tutorial off of YouTube. I'm at a part where I was trying to implement a function that has the knight player explode and his body parts flying in different directions upon death.(or when he hits a collision.) He instead explodes on his own after taking about four steps for a reason I can not identify. If someone could please spot the problem and explain to me what is going on that would help me immensely.

  • Fixed it. I didn't know you could just click and drag a layer up into the order you want...

    Well, thanks for your help.

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