Proxymity's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi!

    My name is Tan, from germany. The first time I came in touch with a 'computer' was, when I slobbered on the controller of the sega genesis when I was a few years old. Since then I somehow are connected to any kind of computer

    I work as a IT specialist (system integration) and have to work with hardware every day (at least, lol). I started programming with about 11/12 years, because days back there werent many games for Mac OS 9, thats why I wanted to make own games. Started with basic, then moved to C(++). Many years of "not programming anything except scripting some html websites" I wanted to get my ideas done Ive make in the years. Already tryed C2 a whole time ago (maybe it was Construct classic? ) and came back, tryed it out - and now work with it.

    I hope to be able to help at least a few guys in the community and, of course, may publish a title to any platform, lets see what the future brings



  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • After this ... node-based was really getting a pain in the a* for a beginner (or "me" <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">) in C2, this plugin features a whole lot of what I needed... gonna think about putting my old .capx into my archive and taking this plugin...

    Lunarovich, you are a hero! Thanks for this awesome work! Good luck on your PhD thesis - and keep us up to date (please) ;D



  • As Ashley said, C2s Multiplayer uses peer-to-peer connections (the first player who opens your site/game is automatically the server without doing anything - thats explained in the tutorial he posted), if you want to make a "public" server, take a look at this great tutorial: ... bby/page-1 it shows how to set up a "lobby" and a clients who connect to this lobby (this would be a server-hosted example).

  • Hi winkr7,

    you put the "plugin" in the wrong folder - its a "behavior", not a "plugin" - there is a difference. Try deleting it and using rex's PlugIn manager: ... ry-v2.html (start as admin, it needs to download and copy files into your programs folder) - or just drag it into the exporters/html5/behaviors folder instead of deleting it.



  • As far as I know, a sprite is generated by a single draw call - if you make 20 different draw calls on 20 different objects or 20 different draw calls through animations doesnt change something. Maybe think about using tilemaps, depending on if it *has* to be a sprite.

    Reference: (scroll to "Using Sprites instead of Tiled Backgrounds")

  • Hi regisRquoi,

    give those documentations a try: (Performance in general) and ... mance-tips (another guide to achieve more performance in games).

    Also, especially if you are new to game making, also take a look at: ... ds-to-know



  • I'm pretty new on Construct 2, but I want to make a game on C2 and I have a problem.

    How to make a tail like in Airscape:The fall of gravity map?

    I think it's in new versions of Airscape.

    Like this:

    Sorry for my bad English.

    I'm from Germany.

    <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">


    Schau dir am besten mal an: klick auf "File>New", dort in der Liste haste auch ein paar Beispiele (Templates), tipp oben ins Suchfeld "Example: Particle thruster" und da haste eigentlich auch schon alles parat, was du brauchst (musst die "Raumschiffbewegung" (den Trigger, wenn du die Maus drückst) einfach nur in ein Event umwandeln, wenn die Rakete/der Meteorid sich bewegt. Kannst in dem Zusammenhang auch mit "Pathfinding" arbeiten, sofern es dem entspricht was du haben willst (kleine Doku über die Funktion:

    Ein deutschsprachiges C2 Forum findest du übrigens hier: (kann dir allerdings nicht sagen, inwiefern das deutsche Forum genutzt wird, bin dort nicht angemeldet).

    Viel Erfolg ;D

    English one:

    Click on "File>New", there you can find "Example:Particle thruster" - this shows you how to use particles to access what you need. Maybe pathfinding ( can be an additional solution for achieving the effect. Also, there are non-english communities, take a look at:



  • ............

    One another question: does switching the layout kills the "wait" action? Is there a "workarround" (preferable without saving current time to variables or other stuff without using plugins, if not needed)? Havent found anything here ... ion?page=2 :s



  • No Programming Required!

    You can now make advanced games without writing a line of code. Construct 2 does the hard work so you don't have to.

    Our highly intuitive event system makes putting your games together quick and easy.

    Sounds a bit stupid, but I encountered a few problems (especially) when I first tryed Construct2 becuase Im thinking to difficult and not getting a solution because of that.. the last time I "really programmed/learned it" was about 10 years ago with C, learned it because the lack of games for OSX (and 9, days back) and so I wanted to make my own ones... If Ild had C2 back then... whew...

    But yes, C2 is far the best way to make things done Ive found in a whole while.

    Thanks again,


  • ............

    This covers everything I wanted to know, thanks for that! ..I think Im still thinking a bit too "complex" or "dispositioned" for C2 :s



  • Rexrainbow some some really useful timer plugins

    check out


    Now I regret not spending time to study most of the plugins.. thanks for this information, that will save me a lot of time!

