How do I create a multiplayer server?

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Very simple code without excess options (15 events for server and 11 events for client)
  • Hi, I am a noob when it comes to servers. I always wanted to make a multiplayer game but I need to know how to make a public server so that my friend can join my game. Thanks!

  • Read the multiplayer tutorial. You don't need to run servers, the game connections go peer-to-peer.

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  • As Ashley said, C2s Multiplayer uses peer-to-peer connections (the first player who opens your site/game is automatically the server without doing anything - thats explained in the tutorial he posted), if you want to make a "public" server, take a look at this great tutorial: ... bby/page-1 it shows how to set up a "lobby" and a clients who connect to this lobby (this would be a server-hosted example).

  • I see a huge problem with this Signaling server thing. First of all, your locking down people to ONLY use your signaling server and it's communications protocols. Secondly, in LAN environments this may cause issues. What if I would like to have a turn based game. A player connects via internet to a "Game Server" which in reality is a database with sockets, that saves all the data from the players gameplay. Also how about an MMORPG, how would this be made in Construct 2? Im not saying a 1000 user game but usually gameservers keep the hardcore data such as position points, character data, npc informations etc etc etc.

    Is there any way of running say your own game server with Construct 2 or are we basically locked down to Construct 2's rule?

    If there is a way to run your own gameserver database or however you see it, please let me know.

  • Read the multiplayer tutorial. You don't need to run servers, the game connections go peer-to-peer.

    peer to peer game connection why another player can't join. after few second kicked him.

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