lucid - Hey lucid, I haven't logged in for a while since I was sick. I just looked at the new plugin and it did fix the specific problem but still made a negative chain reaction with my main game. I sent you an email, just in case you haven't received it yet.
Nice Game, funny "Game Over" sound effect.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
krisnk - I don't recall very much but this should work:
Action: Textbox -> Set CSS Style ->
Property Name: "font-size"
Value: "2em"
(The number of the value is the size but don't forget to add the quotation marks and em.)
lucid - I don't know if it was a bug or a misuse of the Spriter Plugin + Spriter Pro. I sent you a link to my .capx file + Spriter Project. The details will be explained on the .capx file and the email. Please view both "WithScaleRatio" Layout & "WithoutScaleRatio" Layout of the .capx file. Thanks.
I sent it to:
OMG. That was very amazing! Very professional and artistic. Nicely Designed!
Eisenhans - You saw his game, can you give me a link. I like to see games made with C2 .
Tinimations ?
— - Yes this only happens on r229. Errors usually shows up on projects with hundreds of objects and 2,000+ events, scml objects. a lot of families. Fortunately, Ashley said he will fix it.
lucid - Hey I have a new suggestion for the scml object edit-time ID to avoid confusion. How about an optional custom image cover of the scml-object that we can import into it but (not really counted on export) / (it is deleted on export)? Will that do good?
— - Yes, this happened to me also on the r229 update on large projects but on small projects it seems unnoticeable. But If you make a project large enough, sluggishness happens until on some point that errors show up.
Bug Report:
fathijack1999 - I saw this on your PM. I am not really an expert artist but also still learning but if you are having a hard time on inkscape I suggest Adobe Illustrator + Stylus Pen (If you are a hand drawing type of designer).
chadbiggs - You've answered your own question. You purchase them. The price depends on the developer but if I were to guess since it is a complex game especially that it is a multiplayer game then it will cost you about $1000+ but if it is a very high designed game then that will cost more than that, you will be like a company buying a game and that price isn't like the regular prices. Unless if there is a game licensing available for that type of game category then it will cost less like $5.00-+ but depends again to the developer, here you can buy them if there are any:
Why not just buy a game, like Xbox or PS4 games? You'll save more that way.
fathijack1999 - Do you do animation and use Adobe Illustrator / Photoshop? Do you have any previous games you can show us?
Member since 10 Oct, 2014