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  • Linux64 also does not seem to work on Steam Deck.

  • Honestly, I've used other development tools and graphics engines and never had any problems on Steam, I would just make a Windows version and it would run in Steam Deck as well.

    I find Costruct 3 incredibly cumbersome as far as Steam is concerned, even with achievements I always have problems, so much so that I am forced to still use NWjs version 71. I think Steam support is generally too complex and should be improved.

    That said, first and foremost I have to ensure the easiest solution for users, if there is no other way I will opt for Linux. The problem is also the poor support one receives in the C3 community.

  • I cannot test the build on Linux, so there is no way to use NW.Js with Win64 on Steam Deck?

  • Yes, my game is on Steam and I have already received 3 negative reports about Steam Deck:

    ‘It doesn't work on Deck. I have tried different versions of Proton but it doesn't start. it simply won't load and takes me back to the Steam Deck menu’.

    ‘It doesn't work on Steam Deck and also on Linux. It is not a problem of non-discrete gpu. Nothing in the terminal when running. Debul.log indicates that the settings version is not 1. I don't think it's a problem. You changed engines, which one is it? The previous one worked on arm devices under box64’.

    ‘It doesn't work in Steam. I tried all proton and it won't load’.

    Now I wonder, can I somehow offer a Steam Deck compatible build directly on Steam or do I have to give up because Construct 3 doesn't support Steam Deck? Is there a guide that explains how to do this? I don't have a Steam Deck and can't try.

    I also tried updating Greenworks, but it breaks all the achievements.

  • And how can I do that? From Steamworks?

  • No way to fix it on Export Win64?

  • Could this be what is causing the problems on Steam Deck? If so how do I fix it, on PC it seems to work fine on fullscreen, I have no problem (Request Fullscreen: Letterbox scale)

  • Ho seguito tutte le indicazioni ( ma con la nuova versione di Greenworks il mio gioco non sblocca più gli achievement, why?


  • Hi,

    I released my game on Steam but it doesn't seem to work on the Steam Deck (the screen remains black).

    Unfortunately I don't own a Steam Deck, what tricks could I try to make it work?

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  • Unfortunately it does not work even if I put in Global. I will try to remedy the problem with Dictionary...

  • Obviously I have already tried both methods alternately (not together) and it doesn't work.

  • Hi,

    I have tried both Persist and Global but C3 seems not to maintain Instance Variable of an object from one layout to another... any solutions? Thanks.

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