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  • I tried saving variable instance of an object, but when I then load the game it applies it to all objects of the same type.

    I would need to create multiple Caskets (rpg style) from the same object but keep the variable instance independently. 😅

    Also saving each variable global or not is very time consuming and really requires so many event lines, I was hoping for something more quick also.

  • Hey there, thanks for the reply. :)

    I need to save and load Instance Variable of a Sprite. With LocalStorage it doesn't seem possible. Also, if it were possible to save entire groups via "Families", that would be best.

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  • How can I save/load an object's Instance Variable?

    For example I want to create treasures for a game, the event needs an Instance Variable to be opened, so that I can replicate more treasures in the game. So how can I save Instance Variable of those objects? Is there a way to save Families? If I understand LocalStorage correctly I can't use it, it's only for Global Variables.

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