I use JS to access any unsupported features but the dev behind greengrinds could probably also add workshop support to the plugin if requested.
Here is the official documentation regarding Steam workshop features: github.com/greenheartgames/greenworks/blob/master/docs/workshop.md
I would just do a minimal project where letterbox scaling is enabled.
Not much else you can do besides providing accurate steps to reproduce with version info.
Are you sure you exported with the Steam export option enabled? This has been fixed by Scirra so a quick bug report in case of a regression will get it fixed now for sure.
Report any bugs related to this directly to Scirra.
Xbox UWP support on Series X/S is amazing and it looks like the imposed restrictions aren't strict enough to affect the performance of Construct 3 games.
I assume the lack of Xbox services integration is on Microsoft, so it would be nice to have that sorted out in the near future. Let's hope Sony and Nintendo will someday follow.
Thanks for adding early support Scirra!
Steam exporting should be working perfectly fine now. Thanks a lot!
Might be worth noting, that the command line (chromium-args) field inside the "package.json" file has a 260 character limit. It's an issue I ran into, in the past and it took forever to debug it.
Reference: Issue Link
Just as a heads up. This addon is no longer required with Construct 3 r324+.
The next update fixes this issue. The addon will be obsolete by then.
It's a hit or miss. I've heard it helps with running NWjs on Linux specifically but that was quite a while ago, before Vulkan became part of NWjs rendering there.
"--in-process-gpu" seems to be enough for Windows, based on my recent tests on Win10/Win11.
Alright it's the same method I use. Unfortunately also not the safest solution as you've previously mentioned. Thanks!
NW.js/Windows WebView2 exports: disable media keys to prevent them affecting music playback
Out of curiousity. How does C3's implementation of this look like? Does it use a command-line switch or code to specifically disable hardware media keys?
The Steam overlay requires a game that constantly redraws the canvas (e.g. by having moving objects). Construct used to stop drawing, if there were no changes on the canvas. To reduce power consumption I believe.
That's a known issue that Electron suffers from as well (any Chromium wrapper). I'm pretty sure I've seen it being reported years ago with no response. Might be worth creating a new issue on crbugs by you guys because Valve sure won't care.
as well as activating constant redrawing
Does this include the black bars outside of the game canvas? This used to be a long standing issue, which required a custom addon as a workaround.
I would recommend adding "--disable-windows10-custom-titlebar" as a compatibility setting as well, otherwise the overlay will render above the custom chromium title bar.
Appreciate seeing some effort being put into desktop exporting! Thanks a lot!
Sounds fun!
If it goes anywhere past a casual project. Here are some resources to get it working with Steam. Certain parts could be outdated but that's how things are with 3rd parties.
Steamworks Prebuilds:
NWjs Roundup:
Member since 30 Sep, 2014
Tips & tricks for desktop game development and distribution with Construct.