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  • are your collision boxes set correctly?

    heres a example of what some collision boxes should look like, its this button if you dont know

    It was the collision boxes!!! Thank you so much that worked like a charm.

  • Roughly the same size, nothing drastic that would be noticeable. All my origin points are set to the bottom.

  • Hello!

    So something strange is happening in my running animation. It looks like it might be mirroring itself for just one frame or possibly going to the idle animation? Its worked before and the only thing I've changed recently is the speed at which my platform character moves. I've attached video and a pic for reference. Please help!

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  • Ahhh thanks so much! I had a feeling it was a simpler fix then I was imaging it to be. thanks again!

  • I have my character sprite set up with a platform behavior. So its set up so when it moves and is on the floor, the running animation plays. When my sprite is stopped and on the floor, the idle animation takes over.

    The previous mirror set up with my idle animation mirrors the running animation as well.

  • I have different animation frames for when I want my character to run towards the left side of the screen. My first thought was to activate the animation with the corresponding direction arrow key.

    However the way I have things set up now, i have an idle animation that will mirror itself on a keyboard click (left and right arrow keys to face the idle animation the correct direction). I kind of would like to keep this.

    Is there another way to program directional animations? I'm pretty new at this so any help is appreciated!

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Member since 8 Nov, 2021

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