shadoapanda's Recent Forum Activity

  • I would just like to share this little piece of addon to all of you. The addon is called Ripple


    You can use Ripple to test your game/apps on diffrent devices right in your browser.

    How to test:

    1. Launch your game in construct 2 in browser (chrome)

    2. Copy the URL (your IP address 192.0.x.x:xxxx)

    3. Open a new tab and type in this http://192.168.x.x:xxxx/?enableripple=cordova (change X's to what your IP is)

    4. Then you can run your app in Ripple

  • I would also like to post my game here, that is for the android devices who have a 4.0.0 + android on them. The game is called pixlz (i know the "z" looks like a "2"), goal of the game is to survive as long as you can <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />.

    Link to google play: ... .com&hl=en

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Hello.

    I'm looking for an pixel artist. I need 3 characters in 32x32 size that are animated in walking, 3 combo attack, jump, slam, 1 super attack. You can contact me to this email address:

    I would also pay but not to much ;=).

    For more info contact me on the email address.

    It would be nice if you would speak english.

  • Can somebody explain how to use this. I want to create a black background and iluminate it with this effect how can i make that . Also all props to the creators awesome effect.

  • So i just made a game for the androids 4.0 + i would love some feedback. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

    URL: ... .com&hl=en

  • My name is Klemen Andrasic and i make games for mobile phones (android,ios)

  • Thanks these posts are great

  • Thanks that works. Its still weird how sometimes the player get right close to the wall with no pixels in bettween, and yet sometimes there are like 1-2px bettween player and the wall. Yet it still works perfectly. Soo weird.

  • So i'm currently working on the solid and bullet beh. The thing i noticed is i cant make the player move up and down. Also how can i check from wich direction i hit the wall.

    So if i hit it from right to make player.x - 1

    if i hit from top make player.y - 1


  • I understand what you mean. I will give this a try and i hope it will work.

  • Nop this is not what i meant. I couldve done this on my own :=).

    If this helps:

    Lith - iOS Gameplay Review - type this in youtube (i cant post links to little rep )

    I want to make that type of movement.

  • Yea that would work but still dosen't fix the issue where if i'm next to a wall and want to move along side the wall i dosent move cause it check for collision. Thats the main issue i have and have no idea how to fix it.

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Member since 24 Aug, 2014

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